Getting out

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8 January, 2006.

Madam Amelia Bones' Office, Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Level 2, Ministry of Magic, Whitehall, London, England, Great Britain.

Amelia Bones was quietly doing her paperwork for the day when there was a knock on her door.

"Come in."

"Madam Bones." Kingsley Shacklebolt said as he came in, looking confused and on guard.

"What is it Auror Shacklebolt?" She asked, wondering what could have had him coming into her office.

"Lucius Malfoy is outside asking to meet you."

"Lucius Malfoy?" She asked, confused. She hadn't seen Lucius Malfoy outside of Wizengamot meetings in years. What could he possibly want from her?

"Yes. He says that he has an important matter to discuss with you." Shacklebolt replied, just as confused as his boss. "Should I let him in?"

"Yes, let him in. Let's see what he has to say." Amelia answered. So, Shacklebolt exited the office and let Lucius in.

"To what do I owe this...pleasure lord Malfoy? Please have a seat." Bones said, pointing at the chair in front of her desk.

"Look, Madame Bones, I'm not here to play the whole politics game with you, so let's leave the pleasantries aside, yes?" Lucius answered, shocking Amelia by his bluntness as Lucius Malfoy was known for always using word-play and fake compliments to get his way.

"...Yes of course. What is that you needed to see me for?"

"I am here to tell you that you need to go the Janus Thickey ward at St. Mungo's as soon as possible. There is something there you need to see. That is all." He said in a pleasant voice, surprising her even more. St. Mungo's?

"And why exactly would I go to St. Mungo's of all places? What is there for me to 'see'?"

"That's not mine to tell, you'll know when you go there. And besides, do you not want to see Frank and Alice? They're there you know." Lucius said, trying to entice her into going.

"Are you saying this has to do with the Longbottoms?" She asked, worried about her disabled friends, even though she's been trying to not see them ever since they were administered into the hospital, afraid of how she will find them.

"I can neither confirm nor deny anything." He said, getting up to leave. "If you'll excuse me Madam Bones, I'll take my leave." He excused himself, turning his back to her and going to the door, smirking to himself.

"Wait, Lucius..." She said, trying to get more information out of him, but he had already closed the door behind him.

"Damn it!" She swore, banging her hand on her desk, before nodding her head in determination, standing up, putting her coat on, and leaving her office, shouting a hurried "I'll be back soon" to her co-workers and going to the nearest fireplace. She threw floo powder into it, entered and shouted "St. Mungo's."


Janus thickey ward, fourth floor, St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

It was easy for Amelia to get through the reception and get directions to where she needed to be, being the head of the DMLE had its perks after all, what shocked was the sight that she was greeted with when she entered the ward.

There, sitting on the floor, were Alice and Frank Longbottom, Lady Longbottom, Peter Petegrew and Carina Black...playing a game of cards.

"What...weren't you...wasn't that...what...huh?"

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