Finally Coming Together

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15 February, 2006.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hogwarts Castle, Highlands, Scotland, Great Britain.

Throughout the reunions happening, Albus didn't know anything that was going on. Carina had waited with apprehension for the man to barge into her classroom demanding answers, but after three hours of sitting together and nothing happening, she quickly realized that Hogwarts was protecting them from the old man. They had been joined with Pandora, Draco and Luna an hour after the class had left, who were soon followed by the Prince-Snapes. She sighed in relief, but then remembered that she had to separate the children from their newly returned parents.

"Come on, everyone. The adults need to leave and you guys need to go get ready for dinner." The children all looked sad, before bowing their heads in resignation and getting up to leave. Their parents made sure to give them deep hugs before letting them go with frowns on their faces as well.

As soon as the teenagers had left, the adults, one teenager, and one child, all made their way through a portrait to Carina's quarters, and then towards the floo, where they all went their way to Black Manor three at a time.


The burrow, Ottery St Catchpole, Devon, West Country, England, Great Britain.

While everyone was at Hogwarts, Elaina Prewett-Weasley was busy reuniting with her three eldest sons and her husband. She was sad she couldn't see her twin sons or her twin brothers as soon as she had returned, but she promised she'd try her best to.

After a tearful hug, and giving a kiss to each of the four men's foreheads, she turned to her sister, who had been looking silently at the reunited family with sadness and regret.

"Elly, I...." she said before quieting down again, staring at her suddenly very interesting slippers.

"Look, Molly. While I may not know the extent of the things you have done while I was gone, I do know one thing though. You're my sister, Mols, and I can't stay mad at you. I know that you're trying to repent for your past mistakes, and that is enough for me." Elaina said, smiling at her sister, before bringing her into a hug. Molly collapsed onto her sister, crying silently in guilt and relief.


Black Manor, Blackmore.

Minutes later, they found themselves in the sitting room of the manor, where they found Thomas sitting with the only two that hadn't been trapped with them in the mansion.

"Rig!" James exclaimed, running towards his younger brother and bringing him into a bear hug, at the same time as Lily ran towards her older brother as well and brought him into a tight embrace.

As much as Rigel didn't like physical contact, he knew that he couldn't, and wouldn't, stop his brother from chocking him with his hug, for as much as he would deny it, he had missed his brother.

"Hello Jamie." Rigel said calmly, tentatively returning the hug. His best friend, however, was happily returning his sister's hug just as tightly, having missed Lily just as much as she had missed him.

After a much-needed reunion, and everyone had sat down, including Sirius, Remus, Serenity, Adeline, Frank, Alice, Arthur, Elaina, Bill, Charlie and Percy, who had joined them in the hour along with Lucius, Narcissa, Bella, the Lestrange brothers, Peter, Barty, Belladona Zabini, The Abbotts, The Notts, The Greengrasses, The Tonks', and Amelia Bones. Unfortunately, not everyone had survived the years, whether dying during the war or years afterwards. They weren't complete, but they were as complete as they could get.

"Now then. Let us start this meeting, my friends." Thomas said, smiling at his friends as he sat at the head of the long dining table, where everyone sat after reuniting, with Carina sitting to his right as always.


Far away from everyone, in the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts, the same situation was happening but with students instead of adults.

"Now then. Let us start this meeting, my friends." Henry Potter said, from the head of the long table ha and friends sat at, subconsciously repeating the same words Thomas Riddle had said to his own followers.

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