End of The Beginning

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After that eventful meeting, a lot of things changed in the wizarding world.

The first, and most prominent, thing was that Albus Dumbledore was formally trialled and found guilty of more than anyone had thought possible. He was set to Azkaban Prison soon after his trail. The man had murdered tens of people, aided in the murder of hundreds, kidnapped a bunch of people, and had been the cause of the two wars that had happened in the last century. Both Grindelwald and Voldemort were his doing, and people finally believed that Albus Dumbledore was the villain in this story, not the saviour or the hero. That meant he was stripped of his title of Grand Sorcerer, that Lucius Malfoy was given the title of Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, the international ambassador of the French Wizarding world, Jules Allard, was assigned the title of Supreme Mugwump, and Minerva McGonagall accepted the position of Headmistress of Hogwarts school. He would slowly descend to insanity before being found dead in his cell a year and a half later, having died of old age and loss of magic.

All of Dumbledore's followers either lost their loyalty to the man after his actions had come to light, or had fled the country for good, never to be seen again.

It also came to light that there was no organization known as the death eaters, and all accused of being part of it were formally pardoned. That meant that Sirius, Bellatrix and all the others were able to live their lives normally, and Peter Pettigrew was able to give his testament of everything that had happened and was declared a free and living man, no more would he have to hide behind his fake death.

Those who were thought to have died, but hadn't and were just kidnapped, were officially recognized by the world of having returned, and their story was publicized to the British wizarding world, so that everyone now knew who are together, and who their children were.

And so, this story, the story that has been going on for over sixteen years, is finally coming to an end.


1 March, 2006

Black Manor, Blackmore.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Thomas Marvolo Riddle asked his closest confidant, the one who had been with him since the very beginning.

"I suppose, we settle down now, darling. And search for a less dangerous adventure to pursue." Carina Melania Black said as she settled into the man's arms, who responded with a smile and they kissed each other to seal her words.


And so, after all the pain that everyone had gone through, we find ourselves here, on Platform nine and Three quarters, where the war heroes were waiting for children to depart.

Said children were standing near the train, looking at the family the finally had back and staring in happiness at what they had finally gotten to have. The future was looking very bright for them.

Each ran to their own parents, reuniting with hugs and kisses, and they departed the platform together, feeling peace finally settle into their souls, it was done.


And that is it. I hope you enjoyed this story, as I enjoyed writing it. but don't be sad as if you liked my writing as I have a lot of ideas just waiting to be written. Thank you for sticking with me through this story and I hope everyone has a good day/night.

This is Raven, signing off. <3

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