Magic Saves The Day

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10 February, 2006

Level 2, Ministry of Magic, Ministry of Magic, Whitewall, London, England, Great Britain.

As Carina and her party made their way towards the floo to leave, they were approached by the one person they didn't want to talk to, Albus too-many-bloody-names Dumbledore.

"Carina, how good it is to see you out and about again." He said with that too sweet, but obviously fake smile, causing one of the biggest faux pas in pureblood culture by calling her by her given name without her permission.

"It is good to see you as well Albus." She replied, emphasizing the use of his name.

"I was wondering if I could have a word." He said quietly, thinking she'd step back to speak with him privately, but she didn't.

"Well then, go ahead." She said I her bluntest voice, looking at the man pointedly.

"I was wondering if you would be able to attend the next order meeting. I believe your presence will help strengthen the side of the light in getting rid of the threat that is Lord Voldemort." He said, looking accusingly at Tom, who was standing silently beside his right hand.

"Ah, I apologize Albus, but I'm afraid I'm a little too busy at the moment to attend a meeting, with my job and my Position as Head of House Black I'm a little tight on time at the moment. I'm sure the order can work without me; they have for years now." She said, almost mockingly, knowing that the order hadn't done anything important since the end of the first war.

"What about't you want to see him. I know where he is." Albus said quietly, try to persuade her to join using her dearest younger brother.

While on the outside Carina showed a mask of shock and contemplation, on the inside she was seething. That sleezy old man, trying to join his dying cause by telling me about Sirius. She projected these thoughts to Thomas, whose mental reply was a quiet chuckle and a promise We'll get him my dear, don't worry, and then his cause will be truly dead.

"I...Fine, send me the date and time of the next meeting, and if I'm free ill be there." She said quietly, as she couldn't reveal the fact that her brother was in fact at their ancestral home, reading peacefully in the library with Remus.

"Wonderful. I'll send you the details soon. Good day, my dear." He said, before he turned and apparated away.

"Well, he's as manipulative as ever, glad that didn't change." Thomas said with a smile on his face.

"Oh, you have no idea how it's evolved through the years. Now he's obvious about it." Severus said with a grimace on his face, making the rest laugh.

And with that, they flooed to their headquarters to regroup and tell those that weren't there what had happened in the wizengamot.


15 February, 2006.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hogwarts Castle, Highlands, Scotland, Great Britain.

Things at Hogwarts were going surprisingly well, Professor Black was killing them with work, trying to make sure they could finish a whole year's worth of lessons in a few months, Dumbledore was surprisingly silent and the students were looking forward to the remaining year. But things couldn't last like this forever, this is Hogwarts we are talking about.

During one eventful morning, people finally got to see the true power of the House of Black, or more specifically, the house's Head.

"Miss Black please, let me explain." Dumbledore was spluttering, trying to calm the angry witch in front of him to no avail.

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