Turbulence is Finally Over

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These events were all just the beginning of the fall of the great Albus Dumbledore. All around the man, people were conspiring against him, and he had no idea what was happening until it was too late.

At Hogwarts school, the place he thought he controlled with an unnoticed iron fist, was slowly being turned against him by teachers and students alike. Severus and Carina started turning their lessons into what they thought were appropriate, disregarding Dumbledore's rules, while encouraging the other teachers to do so as well, unintentionally turning them against the old man as well.

Most of the student body, led by Henry Lestrange-Potter, Hermione McKinnon-Black, and Ronald Black-Prewett, were all convinced of Dumbledore's manipulations, and trying to both stop it from happening to them and convincing the other students that didn't know, or didn't believe that it was true, of the facts that were there all along.

Outside of the great castle, and away from its many inhabitants, the Dark Order, led by James Potter and Thomas Riddle, were trying to convince the light sect of Dumbledore's many wrong-doings. They managed to get most of the sect on their side, with Dumbledore feeling anything out of order.

Arthur Weasley, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black were trying to slowly, but surely, instil doubt between the members of the order, by mentioning inaccuracies, having them notice some mistakes in Dumbledore's conduct, and all in all showing them the lies they were being fed for so long as what they actually are, lies.

While it was not, fortunately enough, a war in its literal meaning, it was very much a political battle, and the Dark side were winning on many levels.


24 February, 2006.

Level 2, Ministry of Magic, Ministry of Magic, Whitewall, London, England, Great Britain.

It was finally the day that the Dark Sect have been awaiting with batted breath, the day that, hopefully, they would finally defeat Dumbledore once and for all.

Everyone was present and sitting in their respective seats five minutes before the meeting was set to begin. Everyone, that is, except the Heads of the Houses of The Round Table, as they had come to be called. Everyone was making idle conversation between each other, waiting for the meeting to begin, when suddenly the door to the meeting room opened, attracting the attention of all in the room.

There stood the Heads of The Houses of The Round Table, all of them this time, in all their glory, headed by none other than Lord James Charlus Potter, of The Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter, the descendants of the Great King Arthur Pendragon, on either side of him were his most trusted allies, Lady Carina Melania Black of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, descendants of the great knight Lord Lancelot Du Lac, and Lord Thomas Marvolo Riddle, The head of The Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Slytherin, descendant of Sir Percival.

They walked in with an air of confidence and pride that they left everyone in awe, taking their seats gracefully as well, showing their status as they just captured the attention of the room by simply walking in.

Dumbledore was simmering with jealousy and anger, the jealousy as he had never been able to capture people's attention like that, having to resort to wearing bright robes to be able to get even a glance in his directions, and anger at the fact that those he had captured and imprisoned had escaped.

"HOW ARE YOU HERE?!" The old man shouted, unable to contain his anger.

"Oh, we'll get to that very soon." James said, as he took a seat at the head of the table, facing the whole room.

"Now then, everyone, please have a seat, as this is going to be a very long meeting." Everyone sat down silently in shock, even Dumbledore begrudgingly sat down and awaited the inevitable.

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