The Greeting of the Hesperides

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She makes it perhaps four stones in before four dark-haired and dark-eyed women appear before her, dressing in flowing white chitons that contrast with their coppery brown skin. The sight of their clothing evokes a pang of familiarity in Pallas, although it confuses her. When would she have seen a chiton? Was it before her memory disappeared? She shakes her head, better to not let that distract her from the task at hand. The tallest of the four women steps forward to stand before Pallas.

"Well met, traveler. What brings you to our garden?" Her voice chimes as if it wants nothing more than to break into song.

Pallas frowns softly. "I'm looking for something, I think."

"Anything you might be looking for here, we cannot help you find."


The woman lifts her chin. "We care for and guard this garden, that is our role as the Hesperides. We shall not let you touch so much as a single flower, twig, or blade of grass if you do so with the intent of taking it from this sacred place."

The Hesperide's words must have been a silent cue, for her sisters step forward, their ebony-black eyes fixed on Pallas' face. The three women open their mouths and a haunting melody begins to resonate through the air. As it tugs at Pallas' body, the fourth woman speaks again.

"Why don't you dance with us?"

Her smile has a cruel edge to it, and something eager flickers in her eyes. It's enough to unsettle her and make her want to move away from them, but the pull of the music is too strong. It latches onto her with barbed strings, tugging at her skin so sharply that it pains her to resist. But resist she does, or at least she does as much as she can, though she can still feel herself moving towards the women.

She croaks out, "Stop. Please stop."

The woman raises an eyebrow at her as her sisters keep singing. "No. You entered our garden, you threaten it. We are within our rights to do as we wish with you."

"I was sent here. Please!"

The Hesperide laughs, her dark hair slipping back from where it had lain across her shoulders. "So has everyone else who has entered this garden. Never has a demigod just wandered in."

But she waves a hand towards her sisters and the sound of their singing lessens to a whisper. The pull follows suit, allowing her to take a deep breath.

"Thank you."

The Hesperide laughs. "Don't thank me. You think that being sent here will give you a free pass into this garden? Then tell us who sent you."

Pallas blinks, cursing her memory. She can feel the truth in what she said, but she doesn't know the details. How can she? If she remembered, that wouldn't be amnesia. But she needs to. She can't say owls sent her, the Hesperides wouldn't except that, and it also wouldn't be true. She asked the owl to bring her, it didn't tell her to come. So someone else sent her. Pallas opens her mouth to tell the truth, that she doesn't know, but something else comes out instead.

"Queen Hera."

The singing shudders to a stop and all four Hesperides stare at her in shock. "Lady Hera sent you?"


It rings true, and Pallas has to restrain a sigh of relief. Of gratitude, for that tiny nugget of information that remained inside her head. The Hesperide frowns.

"What did the Lady sent you for?"

"An apple . . . I think."

The Hesperide raises an eyebrow. "You think, but you don't know?"

Pallas shrugs. "I kind of lost my memory, and only small pieces remain. I'm doing the best I can."

The Hersperide narrows her eyes. "Lost your memory? That sounds familiar. Would you know a Percy Jackson, perhaps?"

"He's my brother, actually. I'm Pallas."

One of the Hesperides gasps. "Pallas? The one who is loved by Lady Athena?" Pallas dips her chin in a tentative nod after searching through her fragmented memory, and the Hesperide's eyes widen even further as she steps forward. "I thought you died, long ago. How can you be Pallas?"

"If I get my memory back, I'll tell you the story."

The first Hesperide holds out a hand to her sister. "Hush, Arethusa." She looks back to Pallas. "If you are who you say you are, then I suppose introductions are in order. I am Erytheia, and my other two sisters are Aegle and Hesperia. You must have been reborn, to be a demigod now. A strange thing, but not impossible, although having memories of your past should be impossible. If you told us truth, then you are free to take a single apple if you can get past Ladon, though we will not aid you. If not, then he will know and your fate will be to dissolve in his stomach. Leave now or carry on, it is your choice."

Pallas nods. "I understand. Thank you for permitting me entrance."

Erytheia dips her head and steps back, allowing Pallas to continue down the black marble path. With a deep breath and another grateful smile towards the four Hesperides, Pallas begins to walk.

What do you think of the Hesperides? Will Ladin accept Pallas? Will she get the apple without any trouble? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~ Goddess of Fate, signing out

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