The Clock Stops

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Athena feels eyes on her back and turns, careful not to disturb Pallas, who had fallen asleep and was now using Athena's lap for a pillow. Hermes is standing in the shadows of the trees, his expression somber.

"It's time, Athena. He's asking for you."

Well, two days was right within the range she anticipated Ares going to Fa- Zeus during. Still, she had hoped they'd have a bit more time. With a sigh, she carefully extricates herself from beneath Pallas, cushioning the girl's when she lays it back on the ground. She turns back towards her brother.

"Very well."

Athena crosses the ground to where Hermes is standing, about to take his arm when there is a sound from behind her. She glances back to see that Pallas has awoken, raising her head.

"Thene? Where are you going?"

"Zeus knows, and he has summoned me."

Pallas pushes to her feet. "I'm going with you."


Pallas narrows her eyes. "We talked about this. You don't control my actions, Thene."

"I'm not saying that. Just- wait until the rest of the group arrives, please."

Hermes speaks up. "I'll come back for you, Pallas. After I tell everyone to come to the throne room on Olympus. I give you my word."

Pallas gives him a long look before she nods in assent. With a relieved sigh, Athena takes her brother's hand and lets him whisk her away. They appear in the entrance to the throne room, just out of sight. She gratefully takes the moment Hermes gave her to take a deep breath and steel her spine.

It won't do to walk in there looking defeated, or nervous. She can be nervous but she can't show it in her face or posture. When Athena feels ready, she steps out of the shadows to walk into the room, her strides even. A flicker of wind brushes against her cheek as Hermes leaves to inform her allies that the time has come. She stops a healthy, but not disprespectful, distance away from Zeus' throne, dipping her head once she stops.

"You requested my presence?"

"I did. Look at me, daughter."

Athena raises her gaze to meet Zeus' eyes. She recognizes the expression in his eyes. A storm about to begin. It's the same way his eyes looked in Pallas' tapestry, and it chills her blood. It takes her a moment to realize that he has continued speaking.

"-Something to my attention, daughter. Would you know anything about that?"

"I can't know what you're referring to, no." She isn't lying either. She has an inkling, of course, but since she didn't actually hear the first part of his sentence, she can't say for sure.

"Hmm. Well then, daughter. Ares tells me that you're planning to overthrow me. Is this true?"

She stands there for a moment. She hadn't expected him to jump right into it. That loses her a fair bit of time. She can only hope that Hermes is quick in gathering everyone. But for now, she's on her own. This will take some careful maneuvering.

"I can tell you that you have abused your power for a long, long time. I won't stand for it anymore, and I won't let you use your power to control me. If you consider that overthrowing, then yes. I am."

Zeus raises an eyebrow. "I have never controlled you, daughter. I have never abused my power. Whatever would have made you think otherwise?"

Athena scoffs. "You do whatever you wish with no thought for others. You hurt people, and don't care as long as you get what you want. And you use your authority to do it. That is the definition of abusing power, I'm afraid. And as for controlling me? You threatened the few I love to keep me under your thumb, to do what you desire. And when I refuse, when I try to do my own thing? The threats return, to me or others. I won't let it happen any longer."

"So you choose to defy me?"

A sharp nod. "If that is what I must do to no longer be controlled, then yes."

"So you admit to defying me, you admit to plotting to overthrow me?"

Athena lifts her chin. "I do."

"And where are your conspirators, Athena?"

Wind brushes against her skin just then, and she knows Hermes has returned. Dramatic timing, as always, it seems. His voice follows the wind.

"We're all here, Father."

Well, what do you think? What's going to happen next? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~ Goddess of Fate, signing out

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