12. The High Lord's Resolution

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    Evren stood in the stables, brushing down Asper. The afternoon was warm but dark clouds swirled overhead, promising rain later on. Asper snorted and shook his mane. Evren looked up, hearing footsteps close by. She peered over Asper's back.

    Celosia waited in the stable door. Evren almost didn't recognize her. Instead of her usual finery, Celosia wore a shirt and pants. Her hair was braided and her boots were freshly shined.

    "What do you want?" Evren asked.

    "I want to be a little more like you," Celosia replied.

    "What do you mean?" Evren picked up her saddle blanket and smoothed it over Asper's hide. She situated the saddle atop it and strapped everything in place.

    "I've lived a very...privileged life. I've had servants waiting on me hand and foot. I wear fine clothes. I have plenty of jewelry. I can sing, play piano, paint, dance, and do all sorts of things, but I can't seem to be..." she pursed her lips, thinking. "Humble?"

    Evren took Asper by the reins and led him out of the stable. "You want to learn to be humble?"

    "I suppose so."

    "Do you know what humble means?"

    "Of course I do."

    Evren huffed in amusement. "All right. Here's something you can do to be humble."

    She scooped up a handful of mud from the damp ground. Celosia's eyes widened, but she didn't move. Evren smeared the mud across her face and down her shirt. Celosia stared at herself in disgust.

    "Ride through a village like that," Evren said. "Nothing will humble you more than being put on display when you're not looking your best."

    "Is this your idea of a joke?" Celosia snapped. "I'm trying to be nice."

    "Are you really?" Evren raised an eyebrow. "Or are you just trying to impress the High Lord, who, if I recall correctly, told you to leave us both alone?"

    "You little eavesdropper."

    "It's not my fault your voice is as loud as screech owl's."

    Celosia grabbed a fistful of mud and hurled it at Evren. Evren dodged with a shout. More mud began to fly her way. She grabbed globs of mud and chucked them at Celosia. One mudball splattered against her cheek. Evren wiped the mud from her eye and dropped to the ground.

    Celosia screamed as Evren grabbed her heel and dragged her down too. Despite herself, something in her was delighted by the way Celosia shrieked as she was slathered in mud. Celosia's shrieks were turning into laughter.

    She flipped Evren off her and smeared mud into her dark hair. Evren smacked a muddy hand onto Celosia's forehead, pushing her back. Evren sat up, taking in her appearance. She was as muddy as Celosia. The only thing visible of the High Fae was her sapphire eyes, which sparkled with humor.

    Thunder clapped overhead and a few drops of rain began to fall. Evren lifted her face to the sky, closing her eyes. "I suppose I won't be able to ride Asper now."

    "I suppose not," Celosia agreed. She wiped mud from her cheeks, smiling brightly.

    Another horse whinnied, riding up to them. Eris knit his brows at the sight of them. "Celosia?"

    "I hear mud is rejuvenating for your skin," Celosia said quickly.

    A flicker of a smile crossed his lips. "I see."

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