35. Introduction

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The week flew by, full of planning. Eris and Evren had decided to arrange a meeting between themselves and the ambassadors and generals of the court the day following their mating ceremony. A priestess had already been found and agreed to perform the ceremony, as well as the ceremony in which Evren would officially become High Lady of the Autumn Court.

After their meeting with the ambassadors and generals, they would invite the other High Lords and Ladies of Prythian to a ball so she could be introduced to them on friendly terms as well. She would be presented to the people sometime in between everything else, and many of the denizens were going to be invited to the ball besides the High Lords and Ladies.

Evren was already planning how she would kill Cadoc and his friends once things calmed down. She had no doubt that Eris would want to help. She would allow it, provided she was the only one to kill Cadoc, as she'd said. Eris could take his pick of Cadoc's friends.

The night they'd chosen arrived at last. Just after sunset, Evren and Eris made their way to a village close by, where the priestess was waiting for them. They took no one else along.

They took their vows and performed each aspect of the mating ceremony. Evren fed Eris once more and the priestess bound their wrists together with a length of crimson ribbon, before proclaiming them mated.

Then, with their wrists still bound, they performed the second ceremony. Evren swore the same oaths Eris had taken when he became High Lord. She swore to govern the people of the Autumn Court justly. She swore to protect them and their lands. She swore to give her life for the court, should such a sacrifice be demanded. She swore her loyalty to Eris and the court and he swore his to her. When the vows were complete, Evren became High Lady of the Autumn Court, Eris' equal in every way.

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Evren yawned as she combed her fingers through her curls. Eris was dressing behind her. "Are you ready for today?" He asked. "I can't guarantee you'll receive a warm reception from the ambassadors and generals."

"I don't expect one," Evren replied.

"What will you say if they ask about you being my whore?"

"I'll tell them the truth."

She grabbed her old clothes, the ones she'd arrived in. Evren rubbed the worn leather between her fingers. She pulled the clothes on and braided her hair. When she turned around, Eris was holding her crown. She let him place it atop her head. He grabbed his own and they left the room.

The older female servant, or, Josephine, as Evren had learned her name was, stood at the foot of the stairs. "The ambassadors and generals are waiting," she said. "I directed them to the room you selected."

Eris inclined his head to her but said nothing. They continued on, heading to the throne room. Evren took Eris' offered arm and lifted her chin as they entered. Eight Fae faced them. Looks of confusion crossed their features. Eris led Evren up to the throne. She sat and he remained standing at her side.

"You wanted to see us, my Lord?" The oldest Fae male asked.

"I did. Evren, this is Balor Nikos, Ambassador to the Day Court." Balor tilted his dark head towards her. Evren looked over the ambassadors and generals as Eris continued to introduce them.

There was Alarik Valso, another male, who was Ambassador to the Spring Court. Kavan Maddox served as an Ambassador to the Summer Court. Fallon Alastair was one of two female ambassadors. She was appointed to the Winter Court.

The second female was Maleia Idris, Ambassador to the Dawn Court. There was no Ambassador to the Night Court, apparently. Eris handled business with them himself. Besides the five ambassadors, there were three generals. Two males, Amon Ruslan and Ciaran Atlas, and one female, Saskia Oberon.

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