19. The Life of One

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She knew that unrelenting weight. The pressure that would only continue to grow. She could feel the cloak wrapped around her. She could smell the fresh blood on it, her own, her parents, the others'.

    Evren tried to move. She couldn't. Dirt pressed down on her. She knew that's what was holding her inside this cloak. She thrashed her legs and tried to move her arms. She was trapped. She couldn't draw in a full breath. She was trapped.

She was trapped.

She was trapped.

She was trapped.

    Evren began to scream and weep, calling for help. No one could hear her underneath the dirt. No one could see her. She would suffocate. She would smother. She would die.

    Alone and forgotten beneath the soil. Nothing but food for the worms and foliage. Evren screamed again. She was wasting air. She couldn't move. Stars, she couldn't move. The cloak had wrapped around her tightly and dirt held it in place. She couldn't move her legs. She couldn't move her arms.

    She couldn't breath. She was suffocating. She couldn't move. She was trapped. She was trapped. She was trapped. There were voices. Loud shouts, right next to her ear. The dead had come to claim her. Strong hands reached through the cloak and grabbed her arms.

    "Evren!" The dead shouted.

•~ ❘ ۞ ❘ ~•

    She woke screaming and sobbing. It was Eris who gripped her arms. It was Eris who had pinned her legs down. Evren screamed and tried to pull herself free. "Evren, calm down!" He pleaded.

    His features distorted before her eyes. Sweat ran down her face and back, but she shivered with cold. Blankets were wrapped around her feet. There was someone else in the room. She could hear them.

    She could hear everything. She could hear wind outside of the house. She could hear the creaking trees. She could hear the leaves rustling overhead. She could hear the flapping of bird wings. She could hear the clicking of little bug jaws as they reached for her through the dirt.

    Evren screamed again, tears rolling down her cheeks. Eris gritted his teeth as he held her arms away from her face. She continued to struggle against him.

    "She must be covered up," a female said. "She has to stay warm for now."

    "No," Evren rasped. "No, please don't. Please. Don't."

    "I have to." A blurry female approached, carrying a blanket.

    Evren screamed until her voice broke. She pulled against Eris' grip. She couldn't bear to be wrapped up. She wouldn't be able to move. She would suffocate. The blankets, the cloak, they would trap her. She would suffocate. She would be trapped.

    "Please don't!" She wailed. "Keep that away from me! Please!" She pulled against Eris again. Her limbs felt leaden. She was so cold. Everything was so loud. Everything was too bright.

    The healer approached again and Evren's tears fell harder. "Don't," Eris snapped.

    The healer paused. "She has to stay warm until the fever breaks."

    "I'll take care of it."


    "Get the damned blankets away from her!" Eris ordered. Evren gulped down jagged breaths as the healer scurried away. Eris leaned over her, smoothing hair from her damp face. "It's all right. It's all right, Evren."

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