20. Buried Memory

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    "Life is better on the other side of the Wall!" Anwyn argued. "We could survive there. Evren could survive there."

    "As slaves! I would rather starve to death here than spend my life serving those cursed Fae. I will not see my daughter serving them either," Dritan spat. "Don't mention this to me again."

    "You're not listening!" Anwyn grabbed her husband's arm. Her sea green eyes sparkled with conviction. "The Children of the Blessed have opened my eyes. Not all Fae are wicked and evil. I want to see Evren grow up. We won't have that chance here. She will starve or be taken by disease."

    "The Children of the Blessed are religious zealots who sell themselves for crusts of bread." Dritan slumped into a chair, shaking his head. "Anwyn, please. I know you mean well, but I can't go along with this."

    Evren huddled closer to the doorframe, listening intently. Anwyn swallowed and crossed her arms. "Fine. I'll go alone. When I have a safe place for us to live, I'll come back for you and Evren."

    "You can't leave!" Dritan lifted his gaze to hers.

    "I can and I will. There's a group of Children leaving for the Autumn Court tomorrow. I'm going with them. Either you come with me now, or you wait until I return for you."

    Dritan stood and stormed out the front door without answering. Evren ducked into a corner as her mother passed her hiding spot. She crept towards her parents' bedroom as Anwyn entered it. Her mother opened a drawer in the dresser and pulled out a dagger with a long slightly curved blade. It was one of a matching set. Dritan owned the other.

    Anwyn began to move about the room. She grabbed a satchel and folded up several pairs of clothes, placing them inside. Evren stood and hovered near the door. "Come in," Anwyn said, spying her.

    Evren sat down on the bed and Anwyn continued to pack. "What are you doing?"

    "I'm..." Anwyn hesitated. "I'm going away for a while. I think I've found a place where we can live happily. Your father isn't as certain as I am, so you'll stay here with him while I investigate. When I've found a place for us to live, I'll come back for you both."

    "In the Courts of the Fae, right?" Evren asked. Anwyn arched an eyebrow. "I overheard you and Father arguing."

    Anwyn sighed. "Yes, beyond the Wall. I believe things will be better for us over there."

    "How do you know?" Evren asked.

    Anwyn hooked a finger beneath her chin. "Because Fae aren't the monsters everyone thinks they are."

•~ ❘ ۞ ❘ ~•

    Morning dawned and Evren woke to the sound of slamming drawers. She stumbled out of bed, rubbing her eyes wearily. She made her way to her parents' bedroom. Dritan had his dagger strapped to his hips.

    "Father?" Evren yawned. "Did Mother leave?"

    "She told you?" Dritan dropped down on one knee beside her. He rested a hand on her shoulder. Evren nodded. "Yes, she left. I'm going to get her and bring her home. Stay here. I'll be back soon." He kissed her forehead and brushed out the door.

    Evren returned to her room and pulled on her clothes. From the window, she could see her father walking towards the Wall. The Wall was not visible to mortal eyes, but Evren had been told that Fae could sense it.

    I can't let Father go by himself, she thought. He might need help. She ran down the stairs and chased after her father.

    Evren kept close to him, but not close enough for him to see her. If he did, she knew he wouldn't hesitate to send her home. They drew closer to the Wall. Evren felt as though she could almost sense it. The air crackled with energy.

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