Chapter 1

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I've always listened of the wonders of the school that I attended for nearly three years already, Kamome Academy. Though being narrow minded as I was, I disbelieved in the rumours because I've never actually seen the wonders. Even though I had my own opinions I would never use them against anyone, or to start an argument per say. Take my best friend for example, Nene-Yashiro. She us always listening to the stories Aoi-Chan tells her. Yashiro takes every work for gospel, and her latest obsession was the seventh of the seven wonders...

"Shes a ghost that haunts the third stall of the bathroom on the third floor!" She tells me excitedly as we head to the roof for lunch. I laughed at her gullibility but make out otherwise. "What's ghost decides to haunt the bathroom?" I asked. We chose a spot by the railing and sat down with a blanket to eat. "I don't know" she says shrugging, "but you haven't head the best bit yet!" I finish eating my mouthful before replying. " Go on then, enlighten me" I said giggling. She playfully flicked my chin. "Less of the sarcasm would be appreciated. I pouted and pretended to look mournful. "Sorry yashiro" I said smiling slightly. Od course she instantly forgave me. This ghost is called Hanako-San, and she grants wishes for the living. " That's cool," I said nonchalantly, "are you going to visit?" I asked. "Yashiro pondered in thought before slowly nodding. When I asked what she would wish for, she shrugged and blushed. Giggling I said "It can't be for looove can it, Yashiro?" I teased as she turned the colour of a radish. "It can't be for the infamous Teru Mina-Moto I've heard about, can it?" Turning an even darker shade of scarlet, Yashiro shook her head, hiding in her cream hair with the turquoise, peal tips. I was about to tease poor Yashiro even more when something distracted me behind her. A black mist was forming, so dark and thick I thought it might suffocate anyone who dared enter. It looked impenetrable from my view, yet someone emerged. A boy. Yashiro hasn't noticed and was looking at me perplexed while I gaped at the figure. The boy had Choppy black hair with a hat on. He wore black trousers and a jacket trimmed with red. A black seal mark decorated his cheek. Yashiro followed my view and turned around before gasping. Neither of us had actually seen anything remotely spiritual, ever, and as the boy appeared out of no where, and was floating. That was a good indication he was a ghost. His black hair covered most of his forehead but no one could mistake his amber eyes that peered through. I felt like a deer in headlights. Two black orbs appeared from behind him and entwined themselves around the boys torso. He stepped into the light of the mid morning sun and grinned, looking around. "Amane...?" He murmured peering around us. I shook my head fiercely but said nothing. "Hmmmm....who do we have here?" He murmured coming towards me. I stood in alarm but yashiro stayed sitting. I didn't answer for fear as he came forwards. Now he was right next to me. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. He pulled a strand of my hair away from my head and leaned close. His breathe was cold and his presence sent a finger up my spine. "Don't worry" he whispered in my ear. "I'll be back..." The black mist envelope him and he disappeared.
I turned around and looked at yashiro. She was paper white. "Y-yashiro? Are you alright?" I asked shakily. She shook her head before hastily grabbing her belongings and saying something about being late. She sprinted across the roof and out though the corridor. I followed trying to calm her but she was too fast. The bell rang as I watched her turn a corner and she disappeared. I had to collect my stuff and get to class...

{Wow wow wow! First chapter. I already have like ten chapters written out on my laptop but I need to copy them onto my phone so give me some time to copy. I'll be as quick as I can!!! Thanks for reading}
Total word count: 719

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