Chapter 4

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(Recap: Yashiro successfully summons wonder No.7 and she and (Y/N) both get to meet him. Yashiros wish is explained and Hanako has just the thing....)
(TW: verbal fighting and abuse)

'Easy Love Tricks for Beginners'


"You've got to be kidding" yashiro says doubtfully, looking at Hanako as he waved the pink and red striped book. "Nope" he says laughing (*reading from the book*)"Step 1: use your talents! What are your skills Yashiro?" She was about to reply when I interupted "uhh actually Hanako, we should be getting home now." Yashiro checked her watch "Woah! (Y/N),you're right!" She apologized to Hanako and we agreed to meet lunch tomorrow, same place. "Bye Hanako!" I shouted as we ran from the door, me holding Yashiros hand. But we didn't realise who we would bump into...

"I'm so sorry, Sensai!" I shouted as I helped my homeroom teacher stand up. Yashiro sat behind me, dazed and confused at why we had stopped. Mr Tschuchigamori-Sensai (my teacher) straightened his half moon spectacles and flattened his choppy white and purple hair. Picking up his pipe from the floor, and straightening out his white lab coat, he accepted my help in standing and brushed his clothes down. "Why are we at school so late girls? No wonder you're in a rush to get home" he said, ignoring my apology. I helped Yashiro to her feet and said another apology to my homeroom teacher. Ignoring his question aswell. He looked at his watch and murmured, "It doesn't matter, I'm already a few hours late" he shook himself as though he shouldn't have spoken. "We'll have a safe journey home. We wouldn't want you to get lost now, would we?" He waved us off and I swear I saw pointed fangs in his toothy grin.

A few moments later me and yashiro were turning the corners of the corridors, making our way to the school bike sheds. We chatted about school stuff and not about just meeting a ghost in the girls bathroom. When we finally made it out, we saddled our bikes and rode at the same pace until we had to go our separate ways. "I'll see you tomorrow, (Y/N)!" Yashiro called as she pedalled away. I smiled and called out "Bye, Yashiro!" And continued my journey home.
I rode through stoney paths and tarmac roads. Riding up a hill I passed Aoi-Akanes house. She was in her garden doing some gardening. Aoi doesn't plant things that would be seen in a normal garden vegetable patch though. She plants squash, aubergine, and currently she was growing pumpkins for the school Halloween dance. The art club were going to be carving them for the party. "Good job, Aoi-Chan!" I shouted as I rode past. She looked up and grinned. "Thanks!" She called back waving. She indicated at the pumpkins, "should be ready in a week or two! I'll let you know when!" I thanked her and reminded her that was perfect timing, before riding off.
The cool autumn breeze caught in my hair and made it away as I rode along. I stopped pedalling for a moment and just glided around the corner until I made it home. Parking my bike in the garage, I crept through the back door, maybe I could make it upstairs without-
"Oi! Brat!" I sighed and turned around to see my mother standing in the doorway. She approached me quickly and I flinched as she did so. "Where have you been? You're meant to be here at half three exactly to make dinner for your brother and me, do you want us to starve?" She stared at me expectantly and when I replied with an apology and a promise to come earlier tomorrow she said "don't bother, I'll get Daniel to do it. You're useless! I wish I never had kids." I held back tears and angry retorts as she sent me away in disgrace. So what? I can't let her get to me. I heard my brother play in his room, thank God he was alright!" I lay on my bed and sighed. It may only be half past four but man! I was exhausted. In only twenty minutes or so, I fell asleep.

(Woo! Chapter four complete! Thank you for reading once again, I'm hoping to update as much as possible but I have exams coming up and revision is important! Don't forget to look after yourselves! I actually know what is going to happen next in the story because I have alot of written chapters I haven't posted yet! But be patient! I will post them asap when I have time. I will be able to update more regularly after Thursday next week: exams are finishing!)
Total word count: 800

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