Chapter 3

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(Recap: (Y/N)'s teacher is getting suspicious of our heroine and Yashiro finally had the confidence to approach the most well known of the seven wonders...Hanako the Bathroom ghost 👻....)

Yashiro stood for s few moments in front of the closed stall, and when nothing happened, she sighed. I too was disappointed, I expected something, anything to happen. I was about to reveal my self to yashiro when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was paralyzed with fear. I could feel cold breath on my neck, and the grip on my shoulder was hard. A voice whispered in my ear "You summoned me?" I screamed and shook myself from the grip of the mysterious stranger. I ran from the stall and straight into the arms of a perolexed Yashiro. "Y/N! Y/N! What's wrong? Are you okay? What are you doing here?" So many questions, and I had the answers but the only thing I could say was "The-There is someone in here...." I spun around as the stall began to creek. A voice echoed through the toilets. "Hellooooo" the voice called. Finally a figure stepped from the stall. A boy,about my age and he looked almost identical to the boy in the roof. "It's you!" I cried in a mixture of fear and relief. "From the roof!" This statement earned me a confused face from the boy a d a worried face from Yashiro. He was about to ask what- when I changed the subject. Stepping protectively in front of yashiro k said "Who are you?" He giggled and floated above us."How rude of me" he said looking down "Allow me to introduce myself, I am the seventh of the seven wonders of the school, Hanako the bathroom ghost! I am delighted to meet you." With this final sentence his picked up my hand a kissed it lightly while I blushed. "No need to tell me who you are.." hanako continued playfully.  He looked at Yashiro and indicated at her ankles "You are 'Daikon'!" Yashiro cried out in protest at this name but he was already moving on. "And you," he said staring at me. He picked up a lock of my flame red hair and said "are HotHead!" He laughed and propelled himself further up as we disagreed with him. Yashiro piped up from behind me. "I thought you were a girl, what kind of Pervy boy ghost chooses to haunt the girls bathroom?" Hanako looked sad for a moment before turning away. "If that's what you truly think then..." He glided to the third stall " I guess I will leave..." I rushed forward an grabbed his transparent wrist. "Please don't go!" I pleaded. "I think it's cool your a boy!"
Hanako suddenly turned around and smiled. Before I knew it he was right Infront of me, clasping my hands and grinning like mad. "Y-You think I'" He looked at me expectantly, as though this was the best thing he had heard in a long long time! When I nodded he hugged me. It wasn't a quick hug. He grasped me and held me tight. His shoulder rested on mine and I felt his cool breathe on my neck. "Thank you" he whispered in my ear. It felt surprisingly nice to have him hold me. I felt safe in his arms. Suddenly he sprung backwards and floated upwards. Purloining a notebook and pencil from midair, he looked at me questioningly and said "what is your name and wish?" He looked happier than I had seen him so far, with a smile that decorated his face like the icing on a cake. Now it was my turn to grin. I turned around and said "actually...." I pointed at Yashiro and she blushed profusely. "I believe it was Yashiro who summoned you, she requires a little help in the uh love department." Hanako laughed but was polite enough. "What's their name?" He enquired. "And what do you like about them" Yashiro took a deep breath before speaking, straightening her back she tried to seem taller and more mature. "His name is Teru Mina-Moto! He's in senior high and way smart. He picked up my pencil case when I dropped it the other day!"  I giggle at the memory. Yashiro had been so overcome with emotion she hadn't been able to thank him for his good deed,but gaped at him like a fish while I laughed in the corner. Hanako went quite at the mention of Terus name, but masked this emotion and continued the conversation. "Hmmmm okay okay. I have just the thing!"
(Ayyyy next paragraph has been published! Thank you so much for reading! It's doing good thanks to you guys :D )
Total work count: 800 exactly!!

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