Chapter 1

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"My my, Dearie. You sure do love geting kidnapped, don't you" (Y/n) chuckled, appearing before her cell with a deadly stare. "Tell me.. who's done this so they can be punished."

Kagome's eyes widened in seeing her pop up so suddenly though she should've been used to it by now. (Y/n) had been protecting her family for generations now. Whenever she was in some sort of trouble where Inuyasha wouldn't make it in time she popped up and delt with it in seconds.

"It was some sort of snake. They wanted my jewel shards and snatched me right when I got out of the well." She explained, briefly watching her eyes turn black.

"A snake.. Got it. Here" Before she left to go hunt the damn thing down she picked the lock easily with one of her webs. "Inuyasha's scent is not too far.. I'll go looking for this snake of yours"

"Alright." Kagome didn't even try to speak against it, she'd done so before and had gotten herself put to sleep and dragged out of danger anyways.

(Y/n) left her to it before she hopped up to walk on the ceiling and follow the scent of the snake. It was weak, obviously, so when she did come upon it all she did was shoot a single web right through its back before flicking her finger causing it to grab its heart and rip it out.

"Both demons and humans that hurt or try to kill My lady will end up hurt as well.. that goes for any Higurashi under threat" She mumbled, before heading out and smacking a surprised Inuyasha over the head.

"Didn't I tell you to protect her!" she scolded, while Kagome sweat dropped.

"(Y/n)... it's ok.. I'm alright, aren't I?"

"Because I showed up! You didn't even have your back pack with you. You had nothing but the clothes on your back to protect yourself with!"

"Hey! What are you even doing here! I thought you were with my brother's group traveling!" Inuyasha yelled, hitting her hand away before she could pull on his ear and scold him more.

"That doesn't matter! If the family is in danger I'm summoned and that is that!" She huffed, crossing her arms.

She flinched away when Sango went to grab her shoulder.

"Uh.. yes, we appologize for not getting here sooner" the demon slayer tried,

Sango really didn't mind (Y/n), but found she was a tad bit over-protective. Which, she guessed was natural considering her position but still. She knew Kagome found her very comforting either way so she didn't say anything.

(Y/n) sighed, slightly touching the bridge of her nose to show her exasperation dissapear.

"Not your fault. Inuyasha, I trust you with m'lady's life for a reason. I might get annoying or touchy about these situations but I still do trust you much to your brother's disapointment" she stated, chuckling slightly near the end. "I'll be taking my leave now.. and Kagome. Do be careful, dear"

Than she disapeared just like that in a puff of black specks.

Inuyasha grumbled to himself.

"Trust me my ass.."

"Come on Inuyasha.." Miroku joined in suddenly, "Seeing that she hasn't killed you yet for getting Kagome captured so many times shows she's been giving you more and more chances. She knows you'll do your best, that's enough for her to leave her mistress by herself with you"

"Yeah well.... She's starting to get annoying"

"Just because she's better at saving Kagome doesn't mean she's annoying" Shippo said in perfect honestly much to the other's disbelief even if it wasn't surprising since for the fox kit it was quite natural.

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