Chapter 4

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Putting her hand on his forehead she muttered a quiet spell in a demonic like tone.

"What you see is what we were. That's my answer to you...."


Centuries ago a little girl ran a path between both her forest of birth and spiders and the forest of darkness right beside it. The purple miasma was always thick and the trees were always dark. The forest of darkness was a place that most would always fear. At night you could hear wails and cries coming from deep within. Then there was her forest.. bright green trees always in the rays of sunlight, but it used to be a dark place as well before her father showed up.

The little girl laughed as she stumbled slightly, seeing the red eyes from the dark forest following her. Her mother and father would never let her cross over to the other side, but she still ran the path splitting them along with another who hid in the shadows right beside her.

If she let her own demon take over and strained enough she could make out the mischievous smirk coming from the shadows as well causing her to grin.


Her eyes widened as she froze mid run and tripped. She quickly flicked out a web to catch herself before looking up to see her father flying over head. His pitch black wings carrying him swiftly through the air.

"My little girl!" he laughed his soothing laugh before swooping her up on his way down and hovering a couple feet about the ground now.

"Dad!" she gasped in surprise,

"You little sneak.. I knew I'd find you on this path. You know that entire forest is open for you to roam yet you always run this path anyway. I know you're curious and all, but only when you can take care of yourself is when we'll allow you to go." he said,

Kiyoshi was always an energetic man who always believed in the goodness of those around him along with enough curiousity to get him into the most dangerous of situations. But. It was his very own curiousity that led him to his love, Yosei. And it was also his curiousity that wound up in his own daughter along with the bright silver eyes.

"I know.. but the spiders are in nesting right now and the webs keep getting in my eyes.." she pouted, before smiling down to the shadowy figure that always ran with her. "Besides, I know I'm not allowed inside that forest, but I'm allowed outside of it, aren't I?"

He chuckled

"I guess you're right, just don't get any closer than you already are or your mother will kill me."

The little girl laughed.

"I know!"

He shook his head, putting her back on the ground.

"Just don't get into any trouble alright, I still have some defences to put up for the spring." he sweat dropped,

"I promise." the little girl said, serious now.

Her father only looked at her for a second before sighing.

"Alright, (Y/n). Continue running your heart out"

She giggled before doing just that as he continued watching from the sky with a gentle smile on his face. They say what he did was a sin... yet that little girl along with her mother felt so much more like a blessing to him than anything else in this world.


He looked down to see the love of his life.

"Yosei.. what brings you up here.. didn't you have some business to discuss with that man... Kurai?"

Trapped in a Spider's Web (Naraku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now