Chapter 10

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"I've died with you 20 times.. including the very first time. I tried... to keep you safe. I even went as far as hiding in my forest of origin this time.. But Onigumo still found me despite the seal still hiding it. The damned fates were in on it, I knew. A thief who'd been thrown off a cliff and into a wild river somehow ending up washed up right by the neat pond said long river flowed into. The koi pond right by our cove." (Y/n) sighed, having moved to be sitting against the wall and fumbling with her fingers as Naraku still kneeled in his place. Speechless. "I still tried though. I erased his memories of me and sent him off after healing him. He still ended up becoming you though. The you who started going after Inuyasha and Sesshomaru as well as my mistress. As usual, you made it impossible for me not to get involved."

She couldn't help but laugh to herself at that. It was true. Every reincarnation he made it impossible for her to stay away. Even if he wouldn't have she would still watch over him from a far probably. He was still her mate after all.

"So when Sesshomaru told me about it I denied going after you, but then you popped up in the forest out of nowhere to find me first without even knowing it. Without a thought I started doing what I said I wouldn't. I couldn't help it. Seeing you again made wishes become reality. It always has. Even if I've seen you not that long ago." she continued, looking up to meet his glowing red eyes. She kept her stare easily. "You came in and locked me up for being an odd yet familiar character you couldn't completely read. It's not the first time it's happened either. You demanded nearly word for word the exact same answers and here we are. Stories laid out for show and secrets that shouldn't be so, revealed..."

"...any questions..?"


Naraku continued to stare at her. Intense red eyes still glowing in nearly a threatening manner. Before he disappeared just like that. (Y/n) only sighed again, leaning her head back as she felt a wave of tiredness hit her. It had been a long story to tell. WIth no windows in the room they were in she couldn't even tell how long it had been since she was first brought up here at all.

"You passed so many good memories too.. but I guess it was worth it to see that face again as you retold our grand tale~"

Tensing from the sensation, (Y/n) felt a shiver of surprise run down her spine from the words spoken at her ear. Had he... remembered already...

Of course...

A low growl came from her chest as he chuckled.

"My Queen... it's impossible not to remember after being told to do what you always got me to do in the past."



He did.

Another sneer appearing before it quickly turned to a cruel smile as he raised both of his hands up in surrender to the spider queen.

"Stay there why don't you. Away from everyone. Get up only when you realize how powerless you are compared to me."



"You mean to tell me I just retold that entire story for nothing!" she grumbled,

"Not for nothing.. it's always fun to see which memories you chose to tell." he said, amusement clear in his tone.

Naraku without a word grabbed her hand in his own, bringing the back to his lips.

"By the way.. before I forget. I admit I'm powerless compared to you, (N/n). Always have been as you probably know very well... besides those moments we shared every now and then. One of said moments having been shared not too long ago surprisingly. I think that's a first." He smirked, leaving a kiss at the back of her hand finally.

Trapped in a Spider's Web (Naraku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now