Chapter 1 Page 8

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Third Person POV

"Your mother had a hard time trusting people. But she was so powerful. She had so much power. She just was too scared to unlock it all. Dear, You must unlock your true potential. There is going to be a grave danger in your world. You must destroy it. There are two people in your camp that you must help. You've already met them. Their brother and sister. Now I must go. Eat up dear." Cassy gets up and leaves without another word. Luna sits in silence for a few minutes. Her mind is going a hundred miles a second.

She takes a deep breath then opens the book back up. And she begins to read again. '-Theres people after me thats not sent by Hades. I killed their friend in the arena. And their all very very mad about it. I have to keep running. But i'm too weak. I have cuts all over my body. I was stabbed. I need to get home to get my pills. I hear them. I need to run.' The page stops there. Blood drops are on the page. And Luna can only assume the blood is her mothers.

She flips the page and the only thing on it is 'They found me' Then it ends. There's no more writing in the book. So Luna stands up and gets the book with the number two on it. She puts the number 1 book back on the shelf. She walks back to the couch and opens the page. There's a few drops of blood here and there. So Luna starts reading the new book. 'I was saved. I was showed kindness. Their not scared of me. I have people who are helping me. What if this is a sick dream. What if Hades is playing tricks on me?

I am in a pack. The Alphas name is Ray, they have a brother named Chase. Ray saved me from the angry men that was trying to kill me. Ray and their pack told me they want to train me. But it is going to be a long prousess. They say when im done training i will be able to fight six men at once. I don't really believe them. But i feel like i should. They seem kind and nice. It's weird. No one has ever been nice to me. Only the dragons have been nice. I appreciate what the pack is doing for me.

Day three,

I've been here for three days now. i get three meals a day. I also get water when ever i want. Ive been training with Ray. I really like them. I've also met a woman named Cassy. She is very kind. She treats my wounds when ever i get hurt. I feel bad though. I keep snapping at her when ever she tries to help me. I dont want to be mean to her. But.... I dont know how to act when people help me. The first time she tried to help me... I hurt her. But she keeps trying to help me. Its weird.

Day five,

Ive been here for five days now. I'm not used to eating so much. Tomorrow i am getting a ceremony because i am joining the pack. Everyone is nice. Their also very protective of me. Just like the dragons. A few men have came after me because of Hades. But the pack takes care of them all. I still snap at people when they try to help me. I'm not used to it. Yesterday i got sick of trying to hide my eyes and also keeping my hair out of my face. So Ray got me a bandana and tied it over my eyes. I couldnt see. I still have a hard time with it. Then again its only been a day. Now that my eyes are covered i can put my hair up. Its nice here.

Day twenty,

Ive been here for Twenty days now. I still cant see through my mask. But my hearing, smell and everything else has gotten better. I can feel the vibrations in the air. Ray is very helpful. I'm also getting used to the niceness of people. I still sna sometimes. But i dont do it as much. Cassy has been teaching me stuff. A few pack members joke around saying shes my mom. I guess she acts like a mom. But ive never had one so i dont know. All i know is she is amazing. I hope i can stay here.

Day thirtytwo

Ive been here for a month or so. The pack is keeping secrets from me. I can tell. But i dont want to cause drama. Everyone has been so welcoming and nice. I dont want to do anything that could ruin it. Me and Ray have gotten alot closer. I found some stuff out. But i don't want to think about it. Ray has been helping me alot. They're really cool. I'm glad they saved me. But i wont ever tell them that.

Day fourty

Its my fault. I lost control. I shouldnt have been so stupid. Of course he would find me. Hades found me. He sent people after me. That's what the pack was hiding from me. They've been fighting the people to keep me safe. But some people in the pack have died. And its all my fault. Ray died and its my fault. Chase is going to become the Alpha now. He says he doesn't blame me for his siblings death. But i blame me. If i had better comtrol They would still be here. I found out what the pack was keeping from me. And i got mad. I got mad because i didnt want people to die because of me. I went to go confront Hades. Ray tried to stop me. But we ran into some people that Hades hired. They began to attack us. We had to fight. One of the people stabbed Ray. I.... I lost control. I didnt know i could do that. I killed The men. There was 10 of them. I did it within two minutes. But ray... They was barley alive. I picked them up and ran back to the pack. After a few minutes of people saying goodbye. Ray died and its all my fault.

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