General Hofferson

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Set six months after HTTYD 2. They're wearing their outfits from THW.Based on the books front cover. Tagging a few faves.

HTTYDwriter22 Th3DragonwRider Hannah_Mohamed842 astridvh adh126 dragon_writing


Astrid raced over to the arena on Stormfly after witnessing a semi-large explosion on her morning flight. An explosion she was almost certain the twins had something to do with.

"Okay, who's responsible for it this time?" She scowled.

"Well," Tuffnut began to explain. "Technically, it's Hookfang's fault."

"Nice try." Astrid glared. "Hookfang's not even here. Which begs the question..."

"He's out with his girlfriend." Snotlout explained with a disgusted look on his face.

Tuffnut and his sister shared a mischievous grin. Astrid let out a sigh.

"You guys are playing with the monstrous nightmare gel again, aren't you?" She snarled.

"You say playing, we say experimenting." Ruffnut corrected.

"We were merely testing the gel's flammability," Tuff added. "And it's definitely still flammable."

"Ugh! How many times do I have to tell you..." She hissed, snatching the almost empty container from the male twin. "This stuff isn't here for you to play with. Now clean this mess up!" She ordered.

"Who died and made you chief?" Snotlout snickered.

"You know that Hiccup will tell you the same."

"So, who died and made Hiccup chief?"


"Clean it up!" She hissed at, a now bruised, Snotlout.


"Oh, Astrid," Gobber called as the blonde made her way through the village. "Do you have a spare moment?"

"I think so." She mentioned.

"Perfect, I just need your approval on the new upgrades for the forge." He explained.

"You mean you need Hiccup's approval?"

"Well, generally, yes. But, you are his betrothed which means that your approval will do just fine." He told her. "Besides, Hiccup's busy. It's gripe day."

Astrid followed Gobber into the forge to look over his plans. His many, many plans.

"Astrid, can I borrow you a moment?" Mulch requested as Astrid finished looking over Gobber's plans. She let out a sigh, rolling her eyes as she signed Gobbers plans.

"Okay, your plans are approved, but no to the second story forge," Astrid said before racing off with Mulch.

They headed towards the Docks where Bucket was stood on a small fishing boat looking rather puzzled.

"See, Lass. We've been out there all morning and our nets are just... empty." Mulch explained.

"Astrid?" Hoark called.

"Ugh, what now?" She groaned to herself. "Try rotating the fishing grounds, if that doesn't work, try the far side of the island, by Puffin Point." She suggested before heading off to complete another task.


Astrid hadn't stopped all day, not even for a second. She was tending to an out-of-control Nadder when a loud bang was heard coming from the very center of the village. By the time she got the Nadder under control and raced to the scene, all of Berk was already gathered to see what happened. Including Hiccup. The smoke finally cleared to reveal the twins standing right in the middle of all the chaos.

"Sweet baby Thor in a thunderstorm, I told you to clean your mess up! Not sneak into the armory to steal more Monstrous nightmare gel!" Astrid snapped. "Have you even fixed the arena like I told you to?!"

"Well, not exactly," Tuffnut explained.

"We're more of the mess makers. We don't really do the cleaning up part." Ruff added. "Besides, you're not in charge. Hiccup is."

"UGH!" Astrid had had just about enough. She was approaching fast with her fist raised in the air. Hiccup raced to hold her back, as fast as he could.

"Woah, feisty pants." He gasped. "Maybe punching them isn't the best approach."

"It worked on Snotlout." She stated proudly.

"You hit Snotlout? Again?" Hiccup wondered, a sense of pride yet also of disappointment on his face. She smiled. "Nevermind." He turned his attention back to the twins, though, speaking to everyone. "Like you said, I'm in charge. But, Astrid is my betrothed, which makes her General. And someday Chieftess." Astrid fought the urge to blush profusely. They really didn't speak much about the future. "So, when I'm busy. Astrid is going to be helping me. And you're to follow her orders as you would follow mine. Understood?"

"Fine." The twins sighed. "Buzzkill."

"Now, I believe you were told to clean the arena. And when you're done with that you can come back and clean the mess you've made in the Plaza." He ordered. "As for everyone else, we shall continue Gripe day tomorrow. Gobber is acting chief for the remainder of the day."


Hiccup and Astrid made their way into the great hall. When they were finally alone, Astrid's legs turned to jelly and she fell against Hiccup's chest.

"Hey, you okay?" Hiccup worried.

"Just, tired." She rasped out drowsily. "How on earth have you been doing this every day for the past six months?"

"Well, I know that the quicker I get all my tasks done, the longer I get to spend with you." He told her as they walked towards Hiccup's large throne-like chair at the other end of the hall. Hiccup sat down and Astrid climbed into his lap.

"Just don't overdo it." She advised.

"I promise." He agreed, gently stroking her hair. "So, General Hofferson... You're in charge. What do you wanna do?" When he received no response, he glanced down to see her drifting off in his arms. He let out a little chuckle and when he was sure that she was fast asleep, he scooped her up and carried her back to their hut.


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