The Brightest Witch of her Age

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Hermione Pov:

The Wizarding War ended 2 months and 14 days ago, and the memory of Voldemort's death was branded in the back of my mind, but the fear was a constant, living thing. Always curled up in my chest, or crawling in the pit of my stomach. I had to escape, escape the people, the places... I had to escape the magic.

I stayed by Harry for two weeks after the final battle at Hogwarts, teaching him how to settle the politics of the Wizarding World and looking after Teddy, aiding the healers and caretakers in providing for the injured and commemorating the dead. Molly and Ginny needed me, so did George, but none needed me more than the most unexpected: Draco Malfoy.

After the Hogwarts battle:

After Voldemort's defeat, both the Order and the Ministry apparated onto the school grounds, with the shield being broken and Hogwarts was left unprotected. The Ministry was practically useless, spouting this rubbish about "you are under arrest by the order of the ministry. Turn around with your hands behind your back and your knees on the ground", like yeah they're really gonna listen to you after they started a freaking war all in defiance of you.

Once all of the snatchers and Death Eaters were apprehended, the press seemed to appear out of thin air, swarming Harry, Nevil and anyone else who they thought could have a 'good scoop'.

"Any non-essential personnel and any media workers or journalist will leave, now." Professor McGonagall set her steely gaze on the swarm as they began their interrogation of the students, her voice growing louder and stronger with every word spoken.

I slowly make my way up to her, a  strange request on my mind,

"Excuse me, Professor? I wonder if I might ask something?" my voice low and grave,

"Why yes Miss. Granger, what is it?" Her eyes softened when landing on me, her disheveled appearance so different from normal and her eyes darting constantly, it was unsettling to see her so lost.

"All of our dead... have been moved to the great hall and their families have been sent letters asking them to join us for the funeral of them in three days. But..... I was wondering, if I might have a separate burial, today, not a public one, just as a commemoration and an acknowledgment and thank you, to the house elves, a lot of them died and they didn't have magic to save them because all of their magic was repurposed for cleaning and they didn't deserve what happened and-" I trail off, realizing I was rambling and looked at my teacher, she who I once had to look up at, now the same height as me, and I see her smiling.

"I would expect nothing less of you, Miss CEO of S.P.E.W., yes Miss. Granger I know all about that." taking a breath as if to steady herself, she continues, "Of course you can hold a memorial for them, Dumbledore would have liked that" a small smile playing at her lips in memory of her lost friend.

Two Weeks Later:

All the deceased house-elves were wrapped in silken sheets and laid side by side on a marble slab, clad in a slim blue satin dress, with my hair in an elegant ponytail, I walk behind each of the elves, raising my wand, I give each of them a reef above their head, each one unique.

Hermiones dress:

Aside from baby Teddy, she was the only one to attend the funeral. This did not surprise Hermione, but it still saddened her, Harry was still talking to the Ministry and the media, having spoken to Hermione, and given her custody of the child, and she could not bring herself to ask the Weasleys to come in their time of mourning.

"Well Teddy, looks like it's just you and me" looking down at the swaddled infant in my arms, his eyes met mine, and he began to change his form. His eyes turning a light Hazel, his skin becoming pale, and hair turning honey brown, " Well aren't you adorable *sigh* Teddy, you and I are here to say goodbye to these people, their House-elves, and I don't know all their names, but they have looked after me for over 6 years, along with every Hogwarts student ever, including your parents, but, people don't care. they don't care about them, because they forget them, that's why you and me, we're the only ones here" a single, solemn tear falls down my cheek.

"I wouldn't go that far, Granger," an arrogant but quiet voice says behind me

Without having to turn around I know who it is, his voice had called out to me in the halls for years,

"Malfoy, what are you doing here?" my voice remains level, as I continue my way down the line, continuing to make reefs

"Same as you," he met me at the end of the line, in his hands a reef I had made for one of the elves, five spots from where I was now, "you don't mind, do you? I just want to make one for her, and besides, gardenias are Winky's favourite" his voice soft, as he indicated to the elf I was about to lay flowers for.

"N-no, of course, I don't mind" as I take the flowers and lay them by Winky, memories of her flood back to me, her drinking butterbeer to forget the horrible treatment she got from Barty Crouch, the constant pain she had.

The memories are too much, my vision becoming blurry as I cry, sobbing and shuddering, I feel arms wrap around me, and in my confusion, I look up to see Draco Malfoy, blood prejudice, Slytherin King, comforting me. Teddy was distressed by my sudden breakdown, as I soothe him, he sees Malfoy, and looks from me to him. His appearance once again changing, to pale blonde hair and round, brown, doe eyes, pale skin and freckles dusted along his cheeks. My shock and surprise were concealed by my tears,

"or mucho tiempo seras recordado"as he spoke the words, he looked at me, nodding, and we both raised our wands, setting flame to the bodies of our carers.

That was the last time she'd seen him, for she had left that night. She and Teddy went to Australia in search of Hermione's parents.

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