Home Sweet Home?

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Neville and Luna left about an hour before we arrived at Hogwarts so that they could change into their robes. I cast a concealment charm around myself and changed into my robes, making sure that my bun is neat, and pinning my HeadGirl badge on my robe. I drop my concealment and using a wet tea towel, I dab his face, effectively cleaning off any leftover chocolate smudges, and change him into a simple black jumpsuit, placing a small black cloak over him.

 I drop my concealment and using a wet tea towel, I dab his face, effectively cleaning off any leftover chocolate smudges, and change him into a simple black jumpsuit, placing a small black cloak over him

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After the train pulled up, I waited until everyone was off the train, then, pulling the hood of my school cloak up to cover my face

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After the train pulled up, I waited until everyone was off the train, then, pulling the hood of my school cloak up to cover my face. Leaving our trunks in the compartment, I put Teddy on my hip, pulling his hood over his face, and climb into one of the remaining carriages. As my carriage pulled into the castle, and I come down from it, I brush my hand along the Thestral.

"Miss. Granger? Are you ready?" atop the staircase stood Professor McGonagall, her traditional green dress and black hat always a familiar sight.

"Professor!" running up the stairs, I launch at her, engulfing her in a hug, all professionalism forgotten, hugging me back, Professor McGonagall smiles lightly to herself.

"Hello Miss Granger, and young Teddy" taking Teddy she held him at half-arms length "Hermione, you need to go in soon. You and the HeadBoy need to be introduced, Teddy will be brought out into the Grand Hall after dinner, once the students have left, then I show you the way to your common room" as if on cue (although it probably was), a house-elf came through the doorway, bowing to Hermione and taking the young child with her,

"I am Thistle, Madam, I will be young Mater Lupin's main caretaker this year" the elf's voice was high-pitched and squeaky, her large eyes almost the exact shade of the green moss that grows by the Black Lake. 

"Thank you Thistle, but please, call me Hermione, and him, Teddy" the elves must have expected this from me now, as her eyes held no shock,

"Very well, Ma-Hermione" with a final bow, she took Teddy into the castle with her. Watching her go, Hermione felt like a part of her was missing, a literal weight needed in her arms.

"Miss Granger, it's time to go" 

Once again lifting my hood over my head, I follow Professor McGonagal to the entrance behind the teacher's table, and await her before dinner announcements. As she began tapping her spoon to her glass, another figure emerged beside me, his hood also drawn; the HeadBoy. The hall fell silent, as we moved to stand behind McGonagal, and she began

"To our first years, welcome to Hogwarts, to those returning, welcome back. And to our returning eight years, welcome home, those of you who returned. I have some start-of-term announcements, first off, as usual, Mr Filtch has posted his list of banned objects within the school. To first-year students, and many of the others, the forbidden forest is forbidden to you unless directly told otherwise by your teacher for that class, Deputy Headmaster Flitwick, or myself. All students who require dreamless sleep potions are not to be brewed themselves or by another student but must go to Madame Pomfrey in the hospital wing. Any students who need absence on specific dates due to morning can come and contact me directly, and I will organize this with your families. As well, May 2nd will be a day of mourning, with the school gathering in the morning to commemorate the losses of the battle of Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall took a moment, allowing some of the students to pull themselves together. "This year, some of the 7th and 8th year Transfiguration students will be given the opportunity to take an advanced study, as well as some defence against the Defence Against the Dark Arts students, and on that note; this year's Head Boy and Head Girl" turning to us, we both step forward and lower our hoods

"Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy"


Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin King, is the HeadBoy? Once the shock had settled in, and the applause had died down, the professor raised her hands and as usual, the food appeared before us. 

"And now, let's eat" as the students all dug in, she turned to us and said "you are welcome to eat at your house tables, or at the teachers' table besides Professor Hagrid and Professor Slughorn." nodding silently, we both moved to sit in between the Professors, but on the way, I grabbed Malfoys arm, but not so that people could see.

"Please, I cannot stand Professor Slughorns prejudice and rambling, can you sit by him? Even if it's just for tonight?" 

With a brief glance down to where my hand touched, he nodded, and as if sensing our approach, Slughorn went to motion me over. Malfoy, however, made it seem as though he beat me to the seat as if I had no choice but to sit by Hagrid, whispering a brief thank you in his ear as I walked behind him, I sat beside my old friend. Dinner passed with almost no interruptions, until the end of dinner, after the students had left and Slughorn spoke up among the teachers.

"I was wondering, who had been employed to teach DADA? I mean, I had hoped that our friend Remus Lupin would be taking over the Defence Against the Dark Arts position again this year, but since he did not manage all too well with that," many emotions were seen on the teacher's faces; pain, shock, rage and fury to name a few, "I suppose it's almost a good thing that he isn't teaching our students to defend themselves, I mean really? He couldn't even protect his own wife-"


All heads turned to the corner of the room, where I stood, hidden by my cloak, wand raised and hand steady. Ripping back the hood, all the Professors and Malfoy could plainly see the tears streaming my face, as rage seeped out of ever poor, and hate shinning in my eyes,

"YOU DO NOT SAY THAT, DO YOU HEAR ME?" as teachers approached me I cast "Protego Maxima", creating a dome around me and preventing any spells and/or people from coming near me as I advanced on Slughorn, "REMUS AND TONKS WERE BETTER PEOPLE THEN YOU WOULD EVER BE AND YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO EVEN SAY THEIR NAMES"

"Miss Granger, please! stop this now"

"  'ermione no!"

"Please dear, be rational"

My hand now wrapped around his collar, pulling his face up to meet mine, my voice became dead and steely,

"I was the one who looked after their son, not because they asked or trusted me too, but because even the chosen one could only take so much. Harry was protecting you, Remus and Tonks were here at Hogwarts, in spite of their son, so they could protect YOU! AND HOW DO YOU REPAY THEM? BY SOILING THEIR NAME WHILE THEIR SON IS JUST IN THE OTHER ROOM"

"Professor" I don't know who spoke, in that moment I couldn't bring myself to care, "give me the child! Teddy, give him now"

At the sound of his name, I turned and saw my beautiful boy in the arms of my once-enemy, their hair and skin matching, but Teddy's beautiful doe eyes, normally so full of happiness and mischief, now held only sadness and tears. Dropping everything, I ran to him. My wand disregarded, and my spell been undone, I ran to him.

Stopping in front of Malfoy, searching Teddy for any signs of injury, I grab him the second he reaches out for me and holds him tight to my chest, cooing and shushing him until he falls to sleep. An arm grabbed her wrist, leading her out of the Grand Hall and along a string of hallways and staircases, another arm wrapping around her shoulders and having her lean on them as if sensing her weakened state.

A picture was in front of them, and a word was said, but not processed by Hermione, neither were the rooms walked through or the doors opened. The only thing that was acknowledged by her was the feel of a soft bed beneath her and the frail child in her arms. Curled up around him protectively, until the sweet claws of sleep pulled her into oblivion.

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