The Last Day of Freedom

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Walking through Hogsmead I smile. Any students under their 6th year cannot go out of Hogwarts unless it is their Hogsmead weekend, but 7th years (and now 8th years) are practically adults and are allowed to venture to the village on weekends and Friday afternoons, but, those privileges can be taken away by things like falling behind in school, not doing homework, detentions, all that kind of stuff.

Walking down the street, I see 7th and 8th years laughing merrily with each other, ducking in and out of stores in order to escape the cold, chuckling, I start to the ThreeBroomsticks, wading my way through the crowd. Entering the tavern, I sit at a stool on the counter and wait for Madam Rosmerta to finish serving her customer. 

"What can I get for you?" her voice shrill and tired, I simply state what I want

"Three butterbeer's to go, please"

"I'm gonna have to see your arm. We don't want any trouble here, ya see" after spending a year on the run and in hiding, my senses have sharpened, and I don't need to look to know that multiple wizards and witches are now subtly circling me. Having grown tired of stereotypes and generalization, I throw my hood back, my steely glare locked onto Rosmerta's shocked gaze,

"Oh! Miss Granger, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize it was you because your hood-"

"Because if I am wearing a hood and don't draw attention to myself then I'm looking for trouble. Do you still need to see my arm, Rosmerta?" putting as much venom as I could in my words, I turn to move my glare to rest on each and every person who was circling me,

"Um right, yes, three butterbeer's to go" handing her the money, I slip my hood back on to shield myself from the wind and walk the short distance to HoneyDukes, pulling my hood down upon entering. After buying a pack of PepperImps, Sugared Butterfly Wings, a handful of chocolate frogs, and a bag of Candied Animal Voices (not mentioned in the books, but is the one that makes them have animal sounds in the 3rd movie), I go to the register. When seeing my face the owner, Ambrosius Flume, tries to insist that I don't pay, and after much persuading and hassling, he agrees to let me pay half price.

Continuing my day, I set off into the windy streets, towards the Shrieking Shack. Upon arriving at the clearing (the same clearing from the 3rd movie), I am happy to see that there is no one else there, and transfigure a pile of twigs into a blanket, and lay my bag full of drinks and candy on top of it. Taking my messenger bag off my shoulder, Remove from it my sketchbook.

Sitting down on the blanket, I continue my almost finished sketch of the opera house, sipping at my butterbeer and enjoy the cool chill in the air

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Sitting down on the blanket, I continue my almost finished sketch of the opera house, sipping at my butterbeer and enjoy the cool chill in the air

Sitting down on the blanket, I continue my almost finished sketch of the opera house, sipping at my butterbeer and enjoy the cool chill in the air

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