Our secret garden

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The next day was average.
I woke up with the same pounding in my head and the same drowsy mood. But today was my favourite day of the week! Every Wednesday I would go to the secret garden next door. And surprisingly, I was the only one who went there, let alone knew about it. I picked up my basket and headed out. "Bye mum!, I'm going to the garden!" I semi yelled to my mum, who was making breakfast for my dad. "Alright sweetie just come back before nightfall!" She said smiling at me as I walked out the door. I skipped along the neighbourhood paths and down the road, till I reached the garden..
Looks something like this ⬇️

Looks something like this ⬇️

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"Home sweet home." I whispered, sitting on the bench. I came here for a reason though, I always did, why did u think I had the basket for? I walked over to the field of flowers in the bushes, checking every one was well watered. You see, I always like to keep my flowers nice and in check, yet, when it comes to my room.. hah.. that's a different story..
After picked up a few dead flowers and watering some, I looked up to the sky and saw the sunsettinng.. "woah.." I whispered.. truth is I've never seen the sunset before. I walked up to the chair and sat down, not noticing the being beside me looking at the sunset too.
"Isn't it beautiful" a familiar voice said from beside me. I looked to the side to see him.
The one I couldn't stop thinking about, he was beside me, right now. A slight blush grew on my face as I answered with "y- yeah!" I instantly regret saying anything as I knew I sounded soooo awkward.

"I'm Toby, and u are?"

"Y/n, nice to met u."

please make sure to check out my other story as I will be doing one shots! Yay! Anyway hope u enjoy this chapter!! Thanks for the support!!

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