The First Day of Our Lives (part 2)

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~Bradley's P.O.V~ (yay omg akdjskjf)
Today my first day of high school.. Um.. Yay? I know most people would be excited but quite frankly, I couldn't care less. I've never been a huge fan of school. Not that I'm not smart, I'm an honor student, I just don't like going to school but, it's all good.
I'm sitting in English class next to my best friend Peyton, and all of a sudden two girls burst through the doors. I guess they were trying not to be late for class. They look at the teachers desk and notice that she's not in the room then, they give each other looks and start laughing to themselves. After noticing everyone staring at them, they took a seat in the back of the room right behind Peyton and I. Everybody was giving them dirty looks but, I thought that was hilarious. I mean, they ran through the halls so they wouldn't be late to class even though the teacher isn't even here. That's funny.
Finally, the teacher walks into the room and introduces herself then takes attendance. After like an hour, the bell rang and we all left.
Peyton and I don't have our next class together so, we both went different ways.
I started to walk towards my next class and I see the varsity football team walk by. I was about to enter my classroom until I heard somebody yell "Leave me alone!" It was a girl. I turned around to see who it was and I saw that it was one of the girls who ran into English class late.
"Seriously, go away!" She yells again. Some guy from the football team was grabbing at her and calling her "cutie" and shit like that. She is incredibly cute but that is NO way to treat a girl. Especially one so much younger than you. I decided to step in and help her. Most people would just say something to the guy or go get an adult. But nope. I don't roll that way.
I ran over and punched the dude right in the face. "HEY ASSHOLE. BACK OFF MAN." I yelled in his face.
I looked at her and asked if she was okay.

"I'm fine.. Thank you.." She says nervously.

"What are you her boyfriend or something you little freshman?" He says to me holding his chin because that's where I punched him.
I wish I was her boyfriend.. Wait what?

"No, I don't even know who she is but, that doesn't give you the right to treat her like that!" I say in response. Apparently I said something wrong because next thing I know, I'm on the ground getting kicked in the ribs. I was having trouble breathing and I couldn't move out of his reach but, a moment later, the kicking stopped and I heard him yelling "What the hell? Get off of me!" After catching my breath, I looked over to see that the girl (who's name I did not know) had jumped on the seniors back and was pulling his hair. Damn, she's tougher than she looks. After about 3 minutes of that, I got bored just standing there. So while she had her legs pinning his arms against his sides as she continued to pull his hair and punch his face, I punched him in the stomach a few times. It was going pretty well until.. A teacher came over.


After we both backed away from the senior (who's name apparently is Alex.) the teacher walked over to him to take him to the nurse.

"Well that was fun" I say to the girl trying to lighten the mood.

"It was until that teacher came over and gave us both detention.." She says looking at the ground.

"Well I guess I have my detention buddy for the year. May I have your name by any chance?" I say giving her a smirk. She's cute, and she seems cool. I definitely wanna get to know her, if you know what I mean *Ah wink wink*

"Detention buddy? No no. I don't get detention a lot. Sorry to disappoint you stranger." She says with an adorable smile on her face. "Well I have to go. See you in detention.." She says rolling her eyes.

"Wait! I didn't get your name.." I say awkwardly.

"My name is Rowan."


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