My Moment

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~Peyton's P.O.V~
After I crushed everyone Bowling (mwahaha), I took Rowan to the aracade. It's so adorable how her eyes light up when she looks at all of the games. Gah she's so cute it kills me.

She made her way over to the prize stand. There was a giant stuffed giraffe on it that she was staring intently at.
"I WANT THAT!! I NEEEED IIIIIT!!" She yells as she jumps up and down and points to it.
"Let's get it then, shall we?" I say

"It's 10,000 tickets though.. Good luck with that.." She says disappointedly. Now I HAVE to get that for her.

We were in the arcade for about 3 hours and I had 9,731 tickets. I'm so close, there's NO way I'm giving up now.
"Peyton we've been here for hours.. Maybe we should go." Rowan says gesturing towards the door.

"No way Row. You're getting that stuffed giraffe" my plan is full proof. I win her the giraffe then I win her heart. BOOM.
After another 30 minutes, I reached 10,000 tickets. As fast as I could, I ran to the prize stand and claimed the giraffe. I turn around to give it to Rowan and she's walking out the door.. Huh?

I chase after her.

"ROWAN WAIT" I yell trying to catch my breath "Why did you walk out on me? I was winning you the giraffe.. I got it." I say as I hand over the giant plush toy.

"Peyton, I appreciate that you went through all the trouble to win me this but, you ignored me the whole time while doing it. I'd rather spend time with you than have a giant stuffed animal. I don't know what you were trying to prove by getting me this but, all it showed me is that you're just another stupid guy who feels the need to accomplish everything. I thought things were going well. I thought you liked me. I was wrong. But it's okay, no hard feelings." She says while turning around and walking away. SHIT. I like Rowan so much.. I didn't realize I had been ignoring her the the whole time..

"Rowan stop!" I say as I grab her waist and pull her in close. "I like you Rowan. A lot.. I thought that if I won you the giraffe it would make you like me.."

"Peyton that's silly! You don't need to win me things to make me like you. I already like you.."

"You do?"

"I do" she says as she gives me the most beautiful smile in the whole world.

"Well then, um.." I say trying to think of what to say next.

"Yeah?" Rowan says leaning into me

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. I feel a lump in the back of my throat, I'm a little nervous right now. What if she says no?

"Of course" she says.
Without hesitation, I lean in and give her a kiss. Everything is perfect right now, except, where the hell did Bradley and Sabrina go?

Okay so short chapter, I know. I'm updating again tonight so don't worry. Though at the moment I don't know whether I should make the next chapter just about Brabrina or should I mix some Reyton in there too? Hm decisions, decisions. Maybe like a double date kind of thing? Idk idk.
Btw incase you're confused, Bradley and Sabrina aren't official yet in here. They're only going on a date.
Ps~ Thank you so much for over 400 reads! I know that's not a lot compared to other fanfictions but for somebody who only has two followers, it's pretty great. Ily guys! Xoxo

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