New Friends

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~Rowan's P.O.V~
So I've been in school for about three hours and I've been in a fist fight, got my first detention and met two new people. Productive day if I do say so myself.
Y'know.. Those two guys I met are very nice but, I have Sab. She's my best friend and my only friend and I don't think she would approve of new people in our "squad". But then again.. I'm in high school now. There is a lot of people here. And by a lot of people I mean A LOT OF BOYS.
I know me and Sab have our futures planned together and I love that but, it can't just be us for the rest of our lives.. and.. I WANT A BOYFRIEND.
And hey I met two guys today. One for me one for her. BOOM. AM I GENIUS OR AM I A GENIUS?
I'm only joking. Or am I..?

~Sabrina's P.O.V~
After third period I find Rowan at her locker.
"Sup Row boat?" I ask

"Not much Sabby cat. I met new people today.." She says hesitantly. New people..? What about us? It's always been me and Rowan. She knows that..

"Really..? Who are they?"

"They're in English with us. Bradley and Peyton.. Bradley saved me from a senior and Peyton bumped into me in the halls."

"Oh my gosh I heard about the battle with that senior dude. That was you who jumped on his back?! It was you who got detention with some guy? Are you even Rowan?!?!" I'm completely shocked right now. I never would suspect Rowan to get a detention on the first day of school.

"Yup. It's me Sab. But anyways.. I know we don't like making other friends and I know that it's supposed to be just me and you forever but.. Peyton and Bradley are really cool and I know you'd get along with them. Do you think maybe we could open up a bit and make friends with them..?" Rowan asks

I think it's a great idea. It can't just be us forever, can it? Nah.
"Sounds good Row Boat. So when will I meet the new members of our club?" She jokingly asks.

"Today? After Bradley and I get out of detention? I already talked to them. We were thinking about going Bowling. You like bowling.. Right?"

"Love it. Wouldn't miss it for the world. See you later Row." I say as I make my way to my next class. Maybe this will be good for us.

~Rowan's P.O.V~
I can't wait to hang out with Sab and the guys today. To bad Bradley and I have detention though..
"Rowan! Come here!" I hear somebody yell. It was Peyton. He's with Bradley.
"Did you hear the news?" Bradley asks.

"No what happened?!"

"The detention teacher went home sick. All the detentions were moved to next week! That means we can hang out earlier today!" He says excitedly. This is great! Ugh I'm so excited!!

"Dude really? That's awesome!" I say back. Bradley leaned over and hugged me with excitement. That's sweet.
Bradley is really nice but.. I have my eyes on Peyton. I don't know what but, there is something about him that I like. I faced Peyton and gave him a hug too. He's very warm, and he smells good. Boys who smell good are great.
After school Sabrina and I got ready to hang with the guys.
"So are they cute?" Sabrina asks
"Very. But back off of Peyton. I call dibs but don't worry, Bradley is great. You'll like him." I respond

"Alright sounds good." She giggled.

After about 20 minutes, the guys showed up at my house to pick us up.
"Bradley, Peyton. This is Sabrina." I say gesturing to my best friend.

"Hey guys. Ready to get your butt's kicked at bowling?" Sabrina says as she walks out the door. This is the beginning to a beautiful friendship, I can already tell.

Alright so I'm going to update again tonight because I'm on a roll right now and if I stop writing I'll forget all of my idea's so bear with me here. Ily all xoxo.

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