New Student

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~Rowan's P.O.V~
It's been a week since Peyton and I broke up. He hasn't shown up for school and I'm getting worried.. I know I technically broke up with him but, I still care about him.. I always will.. But I know I have to move on. He hurt me. He doesn't deserve me and, I don't deserve to have my heart broken.
I don't have time to dwell over him right now though, I have history class in five minutes. I went to my locker and gathered my things, Sab is out sick today and Bradley is taking care of her so, I'm flying solo today. Woo! (Note the sarcasm).
As I take my seat in the back of the room, the teacher announces that we have a project coming up, and we need a partner. I immediately thought of Sab. Until the teacher added that HE will be choosing our partners. CRAP.
"Laura, you'll be with Kate. Mike, you'll be with Luke. Paul, you'll be with Ashley" he pauses as he looks at a student who I believe is new here.
"Ah, Mr. Fogelmanis. Welcome to our school." He says with a creepy smile. "Class, this is Corey. Corey, since you're new, I'll put you with one of my best students."

"Thank you sir" Corey says with a big smile. Cute. Wait what?

"Rowan! You'll work with Corey. Alright?" He says, directing Corey to the empty seat beside me. As the teacher assigned everyone else with a partner, and gave us the directions for our project, Corey and I began to talk and get to know each other.
"So where did you move here from, stranger?" I say with a smile.

"California." He says, smiling back.

"Do you miss it there?"

"Eh. Not really. I like it in Massachusetts. Though it's fucking cold here.." He says looking out the window, giving the sky a dirty look. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You have a cute laugh" he says blushing a bit.

"Thank you.." I say back as I feel my face turn red.

"No problem. Y'know, you're really nice. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make friends here. I'm glad I found you" he said giving me a huge smile. This boy is so freaking cute oh my gosh.

"I've been having friend troubles lately. I needed somebody new. I'm glad I found you too" I say as I write my phone number on his notebook. "Here's my number. Text me sometime, maybe we can hang out?"

"I'd like that." He says, putting my number into his phone. The bell rang, so Corey and I put our things in our lockers, (his is two lockers next to mine) and headed off to lunch.

"Hm." Corey says looking around the cafeteria.

"What?" I ask

"It's to crowded here. Let's go get pizza somewhere." He says taking my hand and dragging me out of the school.

"Corey the closest pizza place is 6 blocks away and I'm to lazy to walk all the way there" I say giggling.

"Then I shall call a cab" he says pulling out his phone. After a short wait, the cab pulls up and takes us to the pizza place. We order a medium pizza and share it.
"Wow the pizza here sucks" he says laughing.

"Um duh." I say back. "It's right next to a gas station, it's not a 5 star restaurant Corey." I couldn't help but laugh.

"True true. Well since we both agree that the food here is AWFUL, let's go to Dairy Queen. I want ice cream. It's on me." He says taking my hand and pulling me outside again.

After we called another taxi to take us to Dairy Queen, we ordered our ice creams and left. "Shouldn't we get back to school?" I ask

"Nahh. We're already late. How about we go see a movie instead?" He asks. I thought he was kidding.

"That's funny." I say

"What's funny?" He asks

"Ditching school?"

"Yolo?" He says with a grin

"Ah heck why not" I say laughing back.

"Yay! Driver, movie theater. Step on it!" He shouts to the driver.
Corey is so funny. And sweet, and cute and.. Wait. No. Stop. Rowan. NO. NO MORE BOYS.
But what if I did like Corey?

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