CH 43: Childish Jealousy (Edited)

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Growing up Lexie was told that the world was far bigger than just her island. She thought her mother was lying to her until Fujimoto shoved a book of maps into her face that she was able to learn the truth. A spark of hope morphed within her.

Her hope in escaping this damned island was possible. But she didn't think she'd have to lose her mother to make it happen...

"Stay close to me." Fujimoto snaps coldly at the child who stared up at the town in aww. Yet she was scared of this place despite how welcoming it was and on instinct clung onto the priest's robes.

He went to lecture her on stretching his clothing but stopped himself as it would prevent her from running off.

The odd pair made their way through the town's streets gaining looks in wonder from the residents rather than disgusted ones that Lexie was expecting. Lexie's timid nature kicked in as she gripped tightly onto Fujimoto which he in return rolled his eyes at the act. They were then approached by a man with a windmill on his hat.

"Can I help with something?" The mustache man asks, suspicious of what a government holy man was doing on their small island.

"I'm looking for an old acquaintance of mine." Fujimoto plainly answers, "You wouldn't happen to know a Bellemere who lives around here, would you?" Genzo was on alert now, what would he want with Bellemere? His gaze trails down to the shy cherry haired child peeking from behind Fujimoto and for a second thought the priest might be here to ask Bellemere to take her in too. His stress rose thinking 'Great more trouble.'

That trouble had perfect timing as a girlish whine is heard up ahead causing the three to turn their heads towards the commotion.

"Nami, I told you not to be stealing." A maroon haired woman scolds a teary-eyed little girl while the older of the two shakes her head in shame. "Nami are even listening?"

"Yes, Bellemere." The carrot haired child whimpers.

Feeling like she was being too harsh, Bellemere signs, going to stoke her locks as she held her. "I'm sorry for being hard on you." She looks down at Nami with a motherly gaze that made Lexie's heart clench. "I should probably save the lecturing since this phase is turning more into a trait." She teases laughing at the pout on the little girl's face.

"Bellemere." Fujimoto monotone voice breaks the wholesome moment.

"Fujimoto?" Bellemere gasped, it was truly a site to see him again after all these years, but why was he alone? Where was Kikyo? "I didn't except to see you here of all places." She says walking over to them with a bright smile. When she got closer, she noticed a fluff of red clinging to Fujimoto's robes. "Who's this?" She asks, making Lexie bury her face into Fujimoto's side.

"Can we talk at your home?" Confused, Bellemere nods her head hearing how serious, well even more serious than usual, Fujimoto sounded.

Fujimoto and Lexie were led back to Bellemere's with Nami and Nojiko glancing over at the reserved kid with curiosity. However, Nami was growing slightly annoyed that Lexie hadn't greeted them at all this whole time.

The walk was silent until Lexie released a gasping in amazement at the forest of rich green trees with little orange balls hanging off their branches. Her tiny body moved on its own as she ranched out to glide her fingers over one. Its skin was rough but it had a nice smell to it. She wanted to pick it off, but a tinier hand slapped her hand way.

"Don't pick those, those are our tangerines." Nami protests.

"Nami, don't be mean." Nojiko scolds, bopping up on the head lightly.

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