Ch 19: Oily Trap

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"Listen here, I don't need your guys' pity." Usopp scoffed, "So, you can just leave."

"We're not pitying you, dumbass." I said bopping him on his handkerchief head, "We're offering our help because you're outnumbered, and those noodle arms won't help you."

"Plus, you look scare shitless shaking there." Zoro pointed to Usopp's legs that were indeed moving faster than a set of hummingbird wings.

"Besides, who'd risk their life out of pity?" Luffy scoffed, frowning at the idea itself.

Tears gathered in Usopp's eyes along with gratitude, "Y-you g-guy.."

After a few moments, once Usopp's waterworks had finally dried up, we stood around like a bunch of jackasses in a circle and got back to the actual problem at hand. Creating our own operation on saving the village without the village knowing, great plan isn't it?

"They'll being arriving at this beach since this route leads to the village." Long nose explained pointing up the path. "Everywhere is surrounded by cliffs, so they have no choice but to come this way."

"So, if we can defend this path that means the village will be save." Nami stated more than questioned just to be heard.

"Sounds like a piece of cake." Luffy grinned snapping his rubbery fingers.

"Yeah well it's easier said than done." Usopp corrected, "I mean we'll be fighting an army and before we do, I'd like to know what you four do?"

"I cut."

"I burn."

"I stretch."

"I steal."

"And I hide."

"You're fighting!" We all barked.

"As if I'd allow you to hide, while we do all the work." I glared grabbing his nose to pull him back from being a coward on us. "Now that brain of yours better be bigger than your nose because we need a plan."

"A plan...plan, plan..." He muttered to himself, straightening out the wrinkles on his sniffer until his face lite up. "Ah! I got it."

We watched with curious eyes, wondering what he was trying to do by waving his hands around in the brushes planted along side the route. His intentions were revealed when he started pulling out barrels with the label 'oil' on them.

"It's perfect, we just need to spread this section of the pathway with this oil and we'll be able to attack them as they're busy slipping and sliding." He advertised his brilliant plan.

I'll admit it is a quick-thinking idea, but I had only one question on my mind, "Why the hell do you causally keep oil hidden in the bushes?"

"In case of emergencies like this one." He said in a duh tone, pausing in his oil pouring.

I nodded at this reasonable response with a "Good point."

"Well, all I care about is that we don't end up getting caught in it ourselves." Nami voiced, kicking Luffy's foot away from it since he was hovering the appendage over it. "It'd be lame to be trapped by your own trap."

"Good thing you're already lame then Nami, so when you do fall into the trap, you'll have one less thing to worry about." I smirked seeing her face getting redder than my hair.

"Why you-" She lifted fist ready to punch me but stopped midair at my coldness of my blue tortoiseshell orbs.

"Try me, I dare you ginger." Fear shivered down her spin as she went to stand at the end next to Usopp who was standing next to Luffy while I was in between him and Zoro, standing because anything besides that or hugging would be seriously wrong.

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