Ch 1: The Man Who's Going To Be King Of The Pirates (Edited)

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"So hungry. Must. Eat. Something." Luffy moaned once again about being hungry.

I sighed closing my eyes in frustration. "Luffy would you please shut up already."

"But Lexie, I'm dying. I haven't eaten for days." He complained, clinging onto my arm.

"Luffy we just ate two hours ago." My eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

Luffy pulled away crossing his arms stubbornly over his chest with a pout on his lips. "So I'm still hungry."

I rolled my eyes at the straw hat boy in front of me. Leaning back to lie down, I stared up at the clear blue sky admiring its peaceful beauty. Soon my eyes began to close as I drifted off to sleep.


"Hey Lexie how long do you think it'll take to get to the next island?" I asked turning around only to see she was asleep. "How can she be sleeping when some people are starving here." I said childishly. Suddenly, I saw that the boat was spinning around in circles and realized we were being sucked into a whirl pool. I quickly grabbed onto Lexie so we wouldn't get separated as we suck deeper. That's when everything became really dark.



I finally woke up to the sounds of screaming and running footsteps. Confused, I opened my eyes to find myself in a barrel. I then looked up to see Luffy standing there with a blank face. "Luffy why am I all of a sudden in a barrel?" I asked.

"Lexie you're finally awake!" Luffy shouted, happily picking me up out of the barrel and squeezing me into a hug.

"Quick you have to run. If those guys come back with their buddies they'll kill you on the spot." A pink haired boy yelled as Luffy released me.

"I don't care about that I'm just hungry." Luffy said with a cheeky smile.

"You can't blow it off like that. There's a hundred up on deck just waiting to kill anybody." The boy warned, clenching onto Luffy's arm as he began marching off into the direction where I'm guessing food was.

Slamming the door on the boy's neck without noticing, Luffy ran to some crates full of red apples. "Apples excellent!" Luffy cheered handing one to me. "Hehehehe Tasty." Luffy started stuffing apples into his mouth while I calmly ate mine.

"Hey my name's Koby, you're Luffy and Lexie right?" Koby said walking over to us. "That was pretty cool when you jumped out of that barrel back there."

"These are awesome." Luffy stopped scarfing down apples to glance back at Koby only to ask, "So are we on a pirate ship or what?"

"No we're on a passenger ship that's being robbed by pirates that are under command by Lady Alvida."

"Who cares? Can you please tell us if there are any boats around?" I asked Koby.

"Well I think there are a few." Koby said blushing a little.

"Great 'cause ours got sucked up into a huge whirl pool." Luffy said.

"WHAT! No one could have survived that."

"Yup it was a big surprise."

"Can't believe I slept through the whole thing." I mumbled causing Luffy laughed at me. After giving him a playful glare I curiously question Koby, "So are you a passenger or a pirate?"

He looked at me sadly and began telling us how he had accidentally got on a pirate boat and became their cabin boy(their bitch basically) in order to live.

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