Ch 12: You Mean Our Treasure

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"GAHAHA you call this beat up old thing a treasure?" Buggy belted, waving the straw hat around with his daggers still embedded into it.

The site made Lexie's blood boil seeing her brother in so much pain. Nami noticed that a tint of blue glowing against Lexie's skin but her eyes didn't hold their warm hazel instead they held an icy blue, the pupils were slightly narrowed like some kind of animal and it was starting to scare Nami.

"I promised..." Luffy clenched his fist tightly allowing anger to flow through his veins, "I promised I would return it to Shanks!" He shouted sprinting towards his target, who didn't seem warned in the slightest.

"This is Shanks?" Buggy said realizing why the tattered hat was so familiar, and why the brat pissed him off so much because he reminded him of his rival along with the girl's fiery red hair intensifying that hatred. "I worked with him on the same pirate ship a long time ago." He throws the hat to the ground deciding to spit on it rather than stepping on it, not wanting to be infect by touching it. "He was crap and still is."

Nami watched with concern for Luffy since she did not know his body held that amount of anger, she just thought he was a dopey teen but seeing him now she knew he wasn't what he was. Shivers also spring up her spin feeling the suffocating aura from Lexie, who was trying to control her emotions as to not lose control of her flames.

Buggy's actions fueled Luffy's speed. "Get your nasty spit off my hat, you bastard and don't talk about Shanks like that! He's a great man!" Buggy scoffed at his declaration not taking the fight seriously until he choked on his own blood as he bites his tongue the moment Luffy kicked him a little too close to his jewels. "So, don't think you're on the same level as him!"

Luffy took advantage of the clown's fell stature and started his assault on the enemy. The funny scene of her monkey brother slapping the disgusting pirate around had wiped away Lexie's murderous aura causing Nami to sigh in relief at the blue glow dimming on her friend?'s ivory skin.

It also brought Nami back to the present plan as she tugged on Lexie's stained shirt, "Okay enough watching we have a job to do which includes getting out of this war zone."

Lexie pouted towards the younger girl, attempting to use her puppy dog eyes saying, "Can't we watch for a few more minutes?" It worked on most of the men throughout her life, and the occasional woman, but Nami was not having it. "Fine, we're going, heartless fun sucker."

The vein on her forehead pulsed making Lexie smirk, having struck a nerve. "I am not a heartless fun sucker!" She shouted a little too loud apparently, now bringing unnecessary attention on their hiding spot. "Uh oh.."

"Hands off my treasure, girl!" Buggy's torso separated from his lower half, leaving it behind to fly over Luffy, advancing to where the girls were. Lexie, however, note that he only referred to Nami meaning he didn't see her there. Taking her chance to escape, the fox quietly walked backwards walk around the back of the tavern and successfully avoiding Buggy as she took her place beside Luffy.

Nami, still having no clue of her disappearance, panicked "AHH we've been found out Lexie save me!" She squealed turning to said girl but all that remained was a dotting line cut out. "Lexie?!" Lexie, hearing the poor girl's cries, fell over in laughter holding her stomach at how hilarious Nami's face must have been. Luffy chuckled too at her infectious laugh.

"You won't get the better of me 'cause I'm gonna cut you into pieces!!" Buggy shouted racing closer to Nami causing Lexie to come down from her high and tap her fingers against Luffy's leg. He looks down at her curiously while she pointed at the bottom half of Buggy just standing there, giving Luffy an idea. "You won't even get a speck-AAGH!" Buggy groaned in pained feeling Luffy kick him again but this time hitting him right in the jewel, stopping mid-air in front Nami.

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