Ch 28: Movie Special: The Great Gold Pirate (Part 2)(edited)

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Nami crept behind trees, while I hopped from branch to branch on whatever tree she had passed by. We listened in on the pirates' conversation with Usopp, wondering where the map they followed was leading us.

"Hurry up and keep walking." Pinkie pushed Usopp, who was purposefully dragging his feet.

"I get it already." He snapped, moving away from the bad man's touch.

"That's right Usopp, don't let no one manhandle you like they know you." I praised silently, only for Nami's ears.

"We gotta get to that castle before them." She said signaling me to come down as she pointed to a path up the hill towards the back road.

"To save Usopp, yes?" I ask, falling into step with her.

"Yes to save Usopp and the treasure." Nami confirmed, struggling a bit since it was a steep climb.

Sighing, after a few seconds of enjoying her pain, I held my hand out to her. "You got drive there, Nami, I admire that."

She looked from my hand to the soft smile on my face with a dazed gaze, like she was remembering a distant memory. Nami took my hand with a small smile of her own saying, "Thanks."

~Time Skip~

"I can't believe you pushed me down that hill." Nami hissed, brushing off all the dirty and grass on her.

"Really? Have you met me? Also, you said you wanted to get down faster and you did."

"You couldn't have let me in your fire, hamster ball thingy?" She did make a valid point... my way down did look like I was in a hamster ball that was set on fire, I thought looking at the scorch line it made along the hill.

"Watching you tumble was funnier." I shrugged, peeking over her shoulder at the group of pirates. "Hey, what's Usopp doing?" I questioned, dragging Nami towards some bushes by a stone arch to get a closer view of Usopp's cringe dance moves.

Apparently, the thugs didn't like them either, as Pinkie and Sesame Seas Ernie started ganging up on him. "He doesn't know where the treasure is."

"What should we do with him?"

"Kill him." El Drago casually ordered, sending Usopp into panic mode. I was ready to jump to his aid if they raised a weapon to him, until Nami dragged me out of the bushes with her.

"Hey Kamesuke!" She shouted from our spot under the stone arch. "You betrayed us!"

"Who are you?" They asked, I'm surprised that the Plvis, Pinkie, and Ernie didn't remember Nami's screechy voice.

"The granddaughters of the Great Gold Pirate, Woonan." Nami introduced us, which isn't so far fetch because we were both a type of red head, and pale if we are playing that game. "Kamesuke, you told them, didn't you? The gold is hidden under this gate."

"Under the gate?" The men repeated.

'Mhmm quite the actress aren't you, Ginger.' I thought kind of impressed by her trickster skills, but cautious too. There was just something about Nami that made me hold my guard up. And no, it's not the same false suspicious feeling Zoro had, I'm a dick and greenette...maybe maroonish or plum type of gal.

"Josephine-ojousama, Ophelia-ojosama what should we do now?" Usopp cried desperately, catching on to the act. "If you were to dig and dig for three days straight, you'll find the gold." He places the back of his hand on his forehead as though he would faint. "Of course I'd never tell-" He slapped his other hand over his mouth like 'oops', nervously turning to the pirates. "Damn I've said too much!"

"I see, so it's under this gate!" These dumbasses cheered, believing Usopp's over the top behavior.

"Let's start digging, in three days-"

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