Ch 16: The Father's Son

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"I don't appreciate you breaking in without permission." The dark green haired butler scowled entering the yard to see a bunch of commoners talking to his mistress.

Lexie rose a slightly thick brow at the uptight male, "You don't ask if you can break in, you do it, hence the point of breaking and entering." She said to her crewmates, who nodded in agreement.

"Who's this guy?" Luffy openly asked.

"I don't know but I get a bad feeling from him and it's not from the weird way he lifts his glasses." It was true the aura he gave off was not a pleasant one, at the moment she wanted to blame it on her dislike for men who wore glasses, but the butler just gave her an unsettling vibe.

"Uh a-actually, Klahadore, these people are-" The rich blonde tried explaining yet stopped by the rise of her butler's hand.

"I'll hear your excuses later Miss Kaya," He told her with a pointed glare, turning it onto the intruders. "You will all leave this instant." His glare weakened into curiosity, "Or do you have any business here?"

Luffy's face lite up thinking the smartly dressed man would be kind enough to lend them a helping hand. "Yeah we want a ship-"

"We can't help you!"

A depressed Luffy dropped his head on his sister's bare shoulder in defeat, while the two 19 yr olds gave him pity pats on the head of back.

"Rude." Lexie sneered at the prick that made her baby monkey sad.

He ignores her, brushing off the burn of her gaze that made him unsteady. He notices a certain long nosed boy attempting to sneak away, "If isn't Usopp."

"Crap." He cursed for being caught, then used his noodle arms to climb back onto the tree branch he was previously on.

"You're certainly the buzz around the village, aren't you?" Klahadore questioned with a hint of amusement, "With that reputation of yours, being an adventure correct?"

"Yeah..." Usopp said unsure where this conversation was headed.

"Well that's quite impressive for someone so young." The butler complimented surprising him.

"R-right yes, it is." He stated proudly going into ego mode, "No need for flattery, I'll allow you to call me Captain Usopp, too."

"Captain you say?"

Usopp nodded, puffing his chest out with pride. "Yup and I call tell you about this one time I saw a legendary mole enter the mansion and how I started capturing it."

"Hmph, I see you have a gift for deceit." Klahadore scoffed, causing the atmosphere to become tense.

"What?" Usopp's smile fell looking at him in confusion.

"I've heard all about your father." He voiced pushing his glasses back with the edge of his palm again, adding to Lexie's growing distaste to his character, "I know that you're nothing but the son of a filthy pirate. I wouldn't put anything past you, so I want you to stay away from Miss Kaya."

"F-filthy?!" Usopp gripped the bark on the wood tightly, the rest watch the man tiring into him silently.

"You two are from completely different worlds. I bet it's money you're after." Klahadore judgmental accusations were the tipping point for Kaya.

"You've gone too far Klahadore." She yelled leaning dangerously out of her 2nd floor window, "Apologize to Usopp!"

"Be careful, Kaya!" The tan boy expressed his genuine concern for the girl, but this act didn't change the butler's ignorance.

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