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On the campus, the rumors that Fu Qing confessed to Song Huaichen had spread.

When Fu Qingming returned to the class, Deng Yali pretended to be concerned and went to persuade her: "Gentlely, you are all engaged to the Gu family, and An Anxin is the grandson-in-law of the Gu family. Senior Song does not like you anyway."

What kind of tea language is this.

Fu lightly glanced at Deng Yali and said, "Senior Song doesn't like me, but I don't like him either. I only like Gu Yuandi. You are an outsider, don't worry about our Fu family. You are not qualified. "

Deng Yali was embarrassed and blushed and said, "I am doing this for your own good!"

Fu lightly smiled, "You patronize for my good, why don't you do your parents' good? I remember you were the last one in the class last week, and your mother shed tears when she came to the parent meeting. Don’t put your mind on studying, and pay attention to my gossip every day. Why, I’m more important than your mother? You have free time to study hard!"

Deng Yali was furious: "You are second to last in the exam, what right do you have to call me!"

Fu gently opened the stool and sat down, picked up the pen and paper, and wrote stuff.

In a book, the author often arranges some mentally handicapped cannon fodder supporting roles, and the best way to deal with them is not to entangle them, but to vent their anger and indifferent indifferent.

Ignore her, ignore her, ignore her, don't give cannon fodder to the scene!

Sure enough, Deng Yali stood alone begging to be boring, humming and sitting back to her position, and said stiffly: "What's the use of holding Buddha's feet temporarily? You are not second to last in this weekly test! Bah! You are the last to last." One! I’m second to last! Ah yeah, I’m not second to last!"

Fu Qingqing: "?"

This supporting role is quite good at adding drama to himself, but it continues the hydrological style of the original author.

Fu Qing ignored Deng Yali and continued to write a new confession letter.

This letter is addressed to Gu Yuandi.

In the original book, the original owner sent Song Huaichen a confession letter. Gu Yuandi was ridiculed as Fu Qing's fiance. There was a slight amount of awe and sympathy, and he didn't directly speak bad words in front of Gu Yuandi. However, the unconcealed malice of the immature child will show from the eyes and facial expressions, which hurts people more than a knife.

Di Zai's body was mutilated, and he was fed up with ridicule.

Fu Qingqing will never let him continue to be laughed at.

The confession letter that other people have, we also have to have it!

Fu Qing recalled the detailed description of Gu Yuandi in the book, and wrote a confession letter full of praise with a pious attitude.

The ending emphasizes: Gu Yuandi, you are the best.

——Your fiancee, offer it gently.

Suffering to the end of school, Fu lightly packed up things for ten seconds, and when the teacher left the stage, he carried his schoolbag and carried the confession letter, and it jumped out like a rocket.

After Gu Yuandi was accidentally disabled, he stopped coming to school, but the Gu family members were afraid of his psychological problems and forced him to adapt to the multi-person environment. Gu Yuandi promised the old man Gu to come once a week.

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