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    Gu Yuandi was taking medicine in the hospital. He lay on the hospital bed and casually listened to the doctor's instructions: "Don't sweat for a week.

    Change the medicine every day. It is best to ask for leave and not go to school." Zhang Jiaping agreed on behalf of Gu Yuandi . NS.

    A dark pupil of Gu Yuandi looked at Zhang Jiaping, and said, "Don't tell anyone."

    He meant someone from the Gu family.

    Zhang Jiaping sighed secretly, and then agreed.

    Gu Yuandi took a few days of sick leave.

    Fu Qingming is not still in the school to participate in the sports meeting.

    In the morning, the results of the women's group came out. Before the end of the game at noon, the radio broadcast loudly: "The women's group is the first in the sprint, Fu Qing... First name, Fu Qingtian...the first place in the women's shot put, Fu Qingtian."

    Fu Qingming's name has been swiped across the school.

    The barrage in the live broadcast room was also full of topics about Fu Qingtian.

    [Wow, the little sister is really serious about the competition, the person who spreads the rumors that she hugs her thigh is really damn]

    [White and beautiful high school student, I can, I can, I can]

    [Little sister still has a game in the afternoon, do you think See [Poor]] The

    game is over at noon.

    Fu gently took off the number plate on his back and went to the cafeteria to eat. Deng Yali competed with her, the schedule was synchronized, and went together.

    When the two went to the cafeteria to order and sit down, Deng Yali suddenly realized that she and Fu Qingming had eaten together!

    Wait, it seems that she used the meal card just now!

    Deng Yali was stunned on the spot.

    What's the matter, how could she pay by swiping the meal card gently.

    Deng Yali held her chopsticks, looked at Fu Qing in horror and asked, "Did I just brush the meal card for you?"

    Fu nodded slightly, her meal card didn't move at once, and Deng Yali was just behind her, so she didn't bother to wait, so she helped her with it.


    Qing said, "It's only twenty-two yuan. Are you afraid that I will run away?" Deng Yali narrowed her mouth to eat.

    Is it a matter of money!

    It's not a matter of money, she doesn't know why she feels so awkward.

    Deng Yali suddenly stuffed a piece of chicken into her mouth, making an inspirational fist: "I will beat you this afternoon!"

    Fu Qingming: "Uh, you go!"

    In fact, what she wanted to go was: Hey, you dream.

    For Di Zai, she can do anything, how could she give first place to Deng Yali.

    When the two of them were about to finish their lunch, Fu Mingyue came, and she specifically came to Fu Qing's.

    Fu Qing was in the game all morning. She didn't bother Fu Qing, but the matter of cutting the clothes was not over yet.

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