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The seat arrangement for the exam is generally in the charge of the grade group.

Fu Qing took the exam schedule to find the dean of the second grade group.

The dean is busy reading the documents.

Fu knocked gently on the office door.

When the dean looked up and saw Fu Qingqing, he quickly recovered from the accident, "Are you here?"

After running for many days, although she persevered, she still couldn’t hold on. Let’s beg for forgiveness!

Fu gently pulled his face and slapped the form on the dean's desk.

She also recently did strength training. With deliberate effort, she was not weak. In the quiet office, she made a loud noise, and even the teachers in the next office were alarmed-who, who, dare to challenge the director?

The curious teachers, borrowing the time of going to the toilet, glanced in the office, and saw Fu Qing steadily standing in front of the dean.

The children of wealthy people are full of confidence, and at a young age, they have despised authority.

The teachers also pricked their ears up gossiping, wanting to hear the ins and outs, why this time?

The instructor put down the documents in his hand, frowned and glanced at the form. Isn't it the seat schedule?

He pushed his glasses, and said displeased: "Student Fu Qingming, do you have any comments on the arrangement of the form?"

Fu Qing's opinion is so big, she can't wait to puncture the form with her fingers.

She pointed to Gu Yuandi’s name at the end of the form and asked the dean: "Didn’t Gu Yuandi take the first grade exam? Why should he be placed in the last examination room to take the exam with students with poor grades? |Nude|Nude discrimination!"

The dean of teaching is very sensitive to the topic of discrimination. Gu Yuandi's status is not low. When he first arrived at Changxing, he was amazed and showed good test results. He also won awards for the school in many activities.

Such a good child became disabled due to an accident. The school neither persuaded him to leave, but also allowed him to break the school rules and only come to class one day a week, which is already very generous.

If Gu's family hadn't held shares in Changxing, any other students would have this kind of situation, and out of various considerations, they would definitely recommend that the student go to a special school, which would be good for each other.

It is precisely because of the fear of discrimination that the dean of teaching thinks that he has taken care of Gu Yuandi very much. Now Fu Qing has taken the big hat off again. He is even more unhappy and said: "Fu Qingming is not discriminatory, and out of the disadvantaged. With the care of his classmates, we deliberately arranged him in the last examination room, which is the one on the first floor, to avoid the trouble of climbing stairs. How can you say that this is discrimination!"

This is warmth, the warmth of the school!

Only Changxing has such humanistic care.

Fu lightly clenched his fist, anger and unwillingness squeezed out between his teeth: "People who discriminate have never realized that they are discriminating."

She stood and the instructor sat, so her posture and tone were condescending: “Since it’s not discrimination, why not change the exam room floor? Gu Yuandi can take the exam on the first floor, but he should be the first in the school. One’s grades, together with the second, third, and fourth classmates of the school, take the test on the first floor. Don’t let him become a special one in the crowd. This is non-discrimination. You let him and a poor student like me have a classroom, not discrimination. What is it?"

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