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    Robots are a niche hobby. Fu Qing used her vacation time to travel throughout the city, but she couldn't find a place to repair robots. She had to go online and add various forums, but after a few days of research, she didn't understand.


    Fu gently dropped the phone and sighed. It turned out that Di Zai liked something. With her IQ, she couldn't play it at all.

    Fu Qingzheng was discouraged, and a reminder message came from his mobile phone.

    [There is a car repair shop owner on South Street playing this, maybe he can help fix it. ]

    [Thank you. After

    Fu gently replied, he took the robot and went.

    The boss is a middle-aged man with a strong foreign accent. After reading the robot in Fu Qing's hand, he admires the rare materials and sophisticated accessories. At the same time, he regrets: "The body surface is broken like this, and the welding is very ugly. But. The central control doesn’t seem to be broken yet. Let’s make a new one."

    Fu shook her head slightly, and she sincerely asked: "I can weld it for me, and I am willing to pay." The

    boss saw her so persistent and said, "Then how long do you have to do? Come and get it.” The

    other party’s shop was here, and Fu Qing was not afraid that he would run away, so he left the robot here and went back to Fu’s house.

    Fu Qing was so busy these days that she didn't even bother to visit Gu Yuandi. When she went again, she learned from the doctor that Gu Yuandi hadn't been here for several days.

    She calculated the next day, probably not from Luo Chuanrou's birthday.

    In other words, what happened that day hurt Gu Yuandi's heart.

    Fu Qingming walked to the street and strolled around. When she saw the good-looking men's clothing, she thought Gu Yuandi would look good on them, and when she saw the beautiful sunglasses, she thought Gu Yuandi would look good on them.

    Perhaps this is the mentality of being a pro-mother fan. Anything good can be thought of as a cub.

    The adoptive parents are pretty generous in giving pocket money.

    Fu Qing slightly swiped his card for shopping, and sent them all to Gu Yuandi's villa.

    Hopefully, he will feel better when he sees these.

    When the courier arrived, Gu Yuandi was about to go out to bask in the sun. His eyes had recovered to a certain stage and he could see light, but the time should not be too long.

    Zhang Jiaping looked at the piles of express delivery, checked the sender’s name, and told Gu Yuandi: “Uh, it’s the express from Little Yellow Duck.”

    Gu Yuandi’s face was pale, and the corners of his lips moved slightly. I received it."

    Zhang Jiaping opened the courier and put the things in Gu Yuandi's room one by one.

    Gu Yuandi walked out in a wheelchair with the scarf and gloves that Fu Qingsent had given him. He asked if he wanted to give him a call.

    Zhang Jiaping pushed Gu Yuandi behind, and Gu Yuandi suddenly said: "You go back first, and I will blow the air here and go home."

    Zhang Jiaping generally does not violate Gu Yuandi's wishes, and Gu Yuan can be seen in the villa. With Di's figure, he turned back to the villa.

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