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    Neither Fu Qingqing nor Deng Yali expected that the person who helped them both turned out to be Gu Yuandi!

    Deng Yali didn’t really understand Gu Yuandi. Human instinct has a psychology of rejection. She still didn’t dare to have close contact with Gu Yuandi. When she saw Gu Yuandi sitting in the classroom, she couldn’t help but move to Fu Qingqing. After hiding, she whispered to Fu, "No, it wouldn't be him?"

    Fu smiled softly: "It should be.

    Let's go ." She dragged Deng Yali and walked over. The nameplate on the table said them. Three names.

    Deng Yali: "..." That's

    ridiculous... Gu Yuandi would actually give her tutoring?

    Can Gu Yuandi communicate with her normally?

    Fu gently opened the chair and sat opposite Gu Yuandi, Deng Yali sat down with her.

    Gu Di far very calm, he open the books and information books, opening the first sentence said:. "You two transcript, I read,"

    Deng Yali: "......"

    If you have to sew like her drill site One drill.

    Fu Qingming: "Ahem. Well... Classmate Gu, then you..."

    Gu Yuandi turned his eyes to meet Fu's light gaze. His gaze fell on the injured cheek, which had scabs and fell off. A thin line, the trace is very shallow, and will not leave a scar, but when viewed from a close range, it is a bit obvious.

    Like a silk thread around his heart.

    Gu Yuandi looked down, placed the book and the materials facing them, and said, "I have already arranged the notes for you. You two have serious subjects, and your math is too slow. You will give lectures tonight and then study the questions. "

    his tone micro Dayton, said:" In the future, all this process every night. "

    Deng Yali:"?! every day. "

    It was quiet in the study room. She was surprised that her voice seemed a little louder. She covered her mouth quickly, lowered her head, and cast a questioning look at Gu Yuandi—Master Xueba, do you really make up for me every day?

    Gu Yuandi pressed his chin lightly.

    Deng Yali had mixed feelings in her heart, even a little... flattered.

    Before Gu Yuandi's accident, he was like a God of Changxing. From childhood to senior year, he has never been the number one. Changxing has won two of the three most important awards. Quota.

    And now, God is giving her a make-up lesson.

    Complementary mathematics.

    Fu Qing couldn't help but see Di Zai every day from now on!

    She leaned forward, her face close to the writing, and her eyebrows were bent and smiled: "Classmate Gu, come on!"

    Gu Yuandi stretched out her finger to Fu Qing's forehead and pushed her away.

    His long eyelashes lightly fluttered, and said very faintly: "Stay away from the book, you will be nearsighted."

    Fu Qingli sat back obediently.

    Deng Yali: "?"

    How do you feel, three people are in line, and she is superfluous?

    Gu Yuandi lightly lifted his lips and began to lecture.

After The Villain's Mother Fan Wears The Book (MTL) ✓Where stories live. Discover now