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    Xian Yu Fu Qing was the second batch of competitors to jump over obstacles.

    With her ability, she can easily get the first place, but isn't this too dazzling and crushes Fu Mingyue, so she plans to run and run.

    Gu Yuandi's bidding gun competition is about to begin, and he and the members of the fifth group are going to prepare for the competition.

    The overall score ranking of their group is currently relatively low. It is inevitable that several people in the team are dissatisfied. Seeing Gu Yuandi in a wheelchair, the bidding results will certainly not be too good. Most of them have to drag their feet. Several people gathered together and muttered: "It must be counted down this time."

    Gu Yuandi was sitting in a wheelchair alone, blowing in the cold wind, listening to the complaints of his classmates, without any expression on his face.

    People who are physically disabled will be ridiculed and shocked in any environment.

    It has taken him a year to get used to it.

    A gunshot sounded and the bidding gun started. Gu Yuandi had strong upper limbs. He was the last member of the fifth group to throw out. He had the best shooting results.

    The members of the same group immediately looked at each other with admiration.

    "Grass... this and this, Gu Yuandi has a long way to go."

    "With his score, can we counterattack?"

    "Anyway, I definitely won't be the last one." The

    fifth group members discussed. One after another, the attitude towards Gu Yuandi has changed a little. The disabled, it seems that they are not that weak.

    The scores of the other four group members have also come out. No one can shoot the distance more than Gu Yuandi, but the score of the boy with a black dress is one point lower than that of Gu Yuandi. If Gu Yuandi’s score is invalidated, the black The score of the boy in clothes plus the score of his partner is very likely to get the honorary title of excellent team.

    The boy in black expressed dissatisfaction, "He is sitting and shooting, his posture is not standard, why should he participate?"

    The students in other groups also responded.

    "Yes, and he took advantage of it, and his grades are moist."

    "This score can't be counted." The

    fifth group members are even more upset than just now. They are not as good as a damn disabled person. Are these people still dissatisfied?

    The members of the fifth group quarreled with the boys in black.

    "Gu Di far is cast first, and refused to accept the simmering!"

    "So fast hardware, go to the Paralympics ah."

    "I say you! Will not speak ah?"

    "To tell the truth how the?"

    The young blood The student of, who was about to do it when he saw it, did not know who shouted: "Fuck, is she flying?"

    Everyone's eyes shifted to the obstacle course.

    Fu gently leaped from the first wall, running and jumping like the wind, so fast that only the afterimages could be seen.

    When the other students were still over the second wall, she had already passed all five obstacles, reached the finish line easily, and achieved a good score of "45 seconds" under the whistle of the referee.

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