6. Vows

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“Will? Will, oh thank the Gods you’re awake!”

Will squinted as his blurred vision came back into focus. “Kyla? What happened, where am I?”

He tried to prop himself up into a sitting position when a sudden searing pain shot up his arms, causing him to groan in discomfort.

“I suggest you stay lying down if you don’t want that to happen again, and as for where we are, well,” she gave a dry chuckle, “I thought you’d recognize this place more than anyone.”

Will cautiously turned his head to observe his surroundings; he saw several beds lined up against each other, and many glass cabinets filled with herbs, brews and other healing equipment and ingredients. He was in the infirmary. “What am I doing here?” he asked. “What happened?” he repeated.

A look of sympathy flashed on his friends face, she grabbed his hand, apparently in intention to comfort him. It did not work. “You don’t remember?” she questioned in a slightly troubled tone.

Suddenly, he heard a voice in his head, “Nico could be dead!” and all Will could say was “Nico.”

A resentful look came on her face; very quickly, you could almost say it was never there at all, But Will noticed it. It was swiftly replaced by her previous sympathetic one. “Chiron says you should rest, and when you feel better to go and speak to him.” she announced dryly. She started to get up and leave but Will stopped her with his good arm, “What.” he demanded.

“Chiron says you-” Will interrupt her, that wasn’t what was bothering him. “Not that, When I said Ni-” He stopped himself, it hurt too much to say his name knowing what fate he could be in. “his name…” he cautiously continued, “you almost looked… I don’t know… angry.”

She hesitated before she gave him a smile and said “it’s nothing. Now get some rest, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” And before Will tried to stop her, she was gone and he was asleep.

“We are here gathered here today, to honor the death, of Nico di Angelo, son of Hades.” Chiron announced. “He was a hero, and sacrificed his life, to save that of his friends.”

A loud sob erupted from the crowd; Will looked to see a dark skinned girl, crying into the chest of a tall, Asian man. His arms were protectively slung around the girl, as he was whispering words of comfort in her ears.

Chiron continued his speech but Will couldn’t hear; all he could hear was the loud ringing in his ears, and a voice telling him that he was the one he should have died. And Will believed it. He was the one Nico sacrificed himself for; it was him, Nico that should have lived. Not Will.

And then Will was on his knees, tears falling out of his broken eyes, as the black and silver shroud erupted in flames, wishing, that Nico was here to hold in in his arms.

Will awoke, sweating and breathing heavily. He needed to see Chiron; he needed to know what was going on, now.

“Hello Will, have you rested?” Chiron nodded at him in greeting.

“Chiron, I need to know what’s happening to Nico.” Will demanded.

“Yes well,” Chiron hesitated, “Why don’t you come inside?” He moved aside and allowed Will to enter as he closed the blue colored door behind him. “I understand your distress about Nico di Angelo; you two were very close as I understand.” Will said nothing; he wanted Chiron to get on with it. “I believe you overheard Ms. Levasque saying something that may have caused you much…distress.”

You have no idea, Will thought. But he remained silent. “I can assure you Mr. Solace, that Mr. di Angelo is not dead.”

Will let out a breath, he didn’t know he was holding.

“He is however-” Chiron continued

Oh no.

“In a death trance.” he said. He must have seen Will’s face because he quickly tried to reassure him, “No, no, not to worry child. It is not as bad as it may sound.”

It better not be.

“You see a death trance is a trance that only children only children of Hades can enter. The person must eat one of Persephone’s pomegranate seeds in order to enter the Trance. One seed is equal to one day, during which a person who entered the Trance lies in a deathlike hibernation and consumes no oxygen. Nico is neither dead, nor is he alive.”

“Was that supposed to reassure me?” Will dangerously whispered through clenched teeth.

Chiron shook his head. “That is not all, Mr. di Angelo is being held captive by the giants Otis and Ephialtes, if he remains in this trance for too long, I am afraid Nico will…” Chiron’s voice trailed off.

“He’ll die.” Will whispered. Chiron gave a small nod, confirming Will’s prediction. “But we can’t let that happen, we have to go save him! Chiron, I want to go on a quest to save Nico.” Said Will hanging on to the last piece of dreaded hope he had.

“I am truly sorry but I’m afraid that will not happen, child, the seven are going to save him.”

“No, Chiron, you don’t understand, I need to go! Please!” Will begged.

“I am sorry Will, I really am.” Chiron repeated.

Will nodded and left the room. As a tear rolled down his face he said. “I will save you Nico, I swear it on the river Styx.”

A/N: How was that? I told you things we're gonna get intense, didn't I? That last line sound familiar to you guys? ;) Anyway, I would love to hear your opinions on Kyla, and on Will's desicion and on the overall writing, chapter and story, so make sure to leave a comment. Remember to vote and follow if you liked the chapter as ell, love you guys, thanks for the support <3

~ H

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