4. Gone

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Nicos long lashes fluttered open. He was wrapped in Wills long arms. Nico examined Wills fingers, they were long, subtle - the fingers of an archer. He let himself lay down a little longer on Will's chest, breathing in his scent. He smelt like grass, and fresh parchment. He wanted to lie like this forever, in his boyfriends arms, just them and no one else, but they couldn't, the had to get up and train. Slowly Nico sat up, intertwined his fingers with Wills, and gave a soft squeeze.

Will, being the soft sleeper he was, awoke by Nico squeezing his hand. The corner of his mouth quirked upward at the sight of his boyfriend. "What time is it?" Will said drowsily. Nico looked down and the watch Piper had given him for Christmas. He wore it often, Will noticed.
"It's 6:48 sleeping beauty. Come on, we have to go back to the cabin, take a shower and get ready for training." Nico replied.
Will pulled him back into his arms by their still intertwined hands.
"Since when are you such a control-freak? I'm sure we could lay here just a while longer."
He felt Nico vibrate as he chuckled.
"That would be nice." He said softly.

After they had both showered, brushed their teeth, and dressed in their training gear, they headed to the dining pavilion where they would have breakfast before the started training. He said goodbye to Nico, un clasped his hand from his (he thought he heard a few awws from the Aphrodite cabin as he did that, but he dismissed the thought) and headed over to the Apollo table, which was identically covered in a white table cloth and fringed with purple as all the other tables. He sat down and observed his breakfast. Today there was a fried egg, and some bread with cheese. Next to the plate lay an empty glass. Will closed his eyes an concentrated. When he opened them, the glass was filled three-quarter way with orange juice. He nodded in satisfaction and saw his best friend from the Apollo cabin, Kyla wave at him in acknowledgment. Kyla had dark brown hair that hung loose by her shoulders and a freckled face. Her eyes were her most compelling feature though. They were bright green, the color of limes almost, but softer. She had a kind smile that showed off her dimpled cheeks. She walked over to the Apollo table and sat beside him.
"Hey." She greeted him.
"Hi." He replied.
"Were you at Nico's again yesterday?" She asked.
Will nodded. "Why?" He asked.
"Just wondering. How is he by the way?"
Wills eyebrows creased. Should he tell her about what had happened last night?He looked over to the Hades table and Nico was gone, his food untouched. Suddenly his stomach clenched in worry. He probably lost his appetite and went to start training, Will reassured himself. It had happened before. Maybe he was just worrying himself over nothing.
Kyla was pretty trustworthy... No, he decided. It wasn't in his place to tell.
"He's fine." He finally replied. "I've lost my appetite, look Kyla, I'll talk you later okay?"
As Will walked away from the table, just heading to Chiron to ask for Nico's whereabouts, he could have sworn he saw Kyla shake her head, a look of disapproval plastered, on her face.

"Hey Chiron, have you seen Nico anywhere?" Will asked him.
"No I haven't Will, but I'm almost positive I saw him head back to the Hades cabin." He replied.
Will gave him a nod, before walking to the Hades cabin.

As Will opened the door, something seemed off. Nico was not in the cabin, but the cabin looked somehow different. After a few moments Will realized that the clothes that were always in piles on the floor were gone...
Hastily Will stood up, and ran to the one place on his mind.

Will sat in the cave. There was no point in looking for Nico, he knew he was gone. Where to? Maybe he went back to the underworld. Wills eyes were glassy as he ran over all the possibilities of where his boyfriend could be. He had never left without telling Will first, and Will could not help but think this was a bad sign. Will hurried is face in the palms of his hands, and cried.

AN: aaaaahhhh I'm evil, anyway I hope you enjoyed that, leave your opinions in the comments and vote I you liked it XD
Okay so yesterday I went shopping and I got a Harry potter tee and divergent an I'm soo happy and yeah. Oke baaiii

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