23-24 Years Ago

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Jaebeom's dad started "about 23-24yrs ago , I and Jaebeom's mom used to go to the same college as u all do now ...
There was a girl... her name was lavender .... She came to our college in the second year ..  she was almost in every class that we both had...So we tried talking to her but ... She wouldn't reply back until it's too necessary ...So we didn't push her too much after that... she Always carried this serious expression on her face ... Quite silent ...-

Then Jaebeom's mom continued it from middle "And super beautiful with her silver hairs with purple tips! The whole college wanted to be with her ... But she won't even look at them ... It annoyed shit out of people ..So one day some bunch of assholes tried to corner her behind the bleachers and we happened to be passing by at that time ... I still find it so hilarious ... Out of nowhere Jaebeom's dad screamed " hey you motherfuckers look here " and he went to one of them and punched him ... But nothing happened to him ... He just stood there and looked at him with raised eyebrows and then all 4 of them turned around and were going to punch and kick him hard..... so he closed his eyes tight ....ready to take the hits but.... it never came ....when he slowly opened his eyes all the boys were freezed there  and for the first time Lavender was smiling ... She came to him and hugged him and then called me too to join the hug as I stood a bit away with an open mouth and a brick in my hand "

"And we became friends ... Best friends " Jaebeom's dad said with a soft smile

"We wanted to ask what happened that day to those boys ...did she do that ?..but ... we didn't wanted the cold shoulders again ... She was a great person to be with ...for our petty curiosity we didn't wanted to loose her so we ignored it "
"We were like, joined by hips ..not at all separable... always a set of three.. and that too in just a span of 6-7 months ... "

"Then in our third year a new boy came in ... Yohan Yoo ,sharp eyes , just his gaze could kill people  ... But actually ... He was nothing like that ... He was a teddy bear behind that mask of his ... And that teddy bear fell in love with Lavender  .... at the very first sight ... Thats what we thought... when he was running around our ice queen who was surely getting swayed by him but wasn't showing it ... It was quite a scene ...he would bring her bouquet of flowers and she would just walk over them mumbling "what a waste of money " and then later she used to come to me and whine about how beautiful those flowers were and how painful it was for her to do that ... And when I would ask her "then why did she do it"  ...she would just ignore that and  continue whining "

"By the end of the year Jaebeom's dad proposed me-"

"And she ..what you all call it ....yeahh ghosted  ..she ghosted me after that for the whole vacation! "

"But I said yes after that right? I needed some time to think about it.. we had been friends for so long !! To change that suddenly !? It was hard decision ok !? And what about you harbouring those feelings for 5 yrs !?? It took you 5yrs and  I wasn't allowed to take few months !?"

"Ok ok it's all my fault " Jaebeom's dad chuckled and then looked at Jackson
Who was listening the story with a soft smile
"Oh sorry Jackson-ah we got side tracked " Jaebeom's dad said with a soft smile 'and oh my god is that blush ... Uncle is sooo cute' jackson thought, smiling more brightly and dismissed it with a wave of hand " it's all right Uncle "

"So where we were ? Yep so Lavender wasn't ready to accept him at any cost and he was ready  to go to any lengths for her so that she would accept him .... So one day Lavender suddenly became too sick ... A bit whining and whimpering .. face a bit red ... Eyes barely open and something was there around her which was like... so thick! You can't go near her ... And by the end of the day she was full blown whimpering .... The whole class just went home... everyone feeling sick all of a sudden ... But we didn't go... as we knew it's not us who are sick it's Lavender but there was nothing we could dooo ....it was almost suffocating sitting near her but still we sat around her trying to comfort her..... but nothing was happening.... then from the window we saw a boy running towards us from the next building at full speed he was so fast it was impossible to even figure out his face, it was like a running shadow... suddenly that shadow body jumped inside from the window .... We were on 1st floor ! We both stood up trying to protect Lavender from this ... whatever it was
.. but..  ... suddenly that black shadow started getting clearer .... It was Yuhan

"Why are you here ?" I asked him

"I should say that!!! Both of you ! get out of here ! Isn't it painful !?? Why are you both here!??!? "  Yuhan asked us with a frown ... Eyes furious a bit because of the situation
"It isn't painful... we are not leaving her in this state  ...at any cost !" Jaebeom's mom said choking a bit in pain at the end
"Yes !!she is right ! and why the hell are you here " Jaebeom's dad said as he stood next to her... holding her by her shoulders

"Oh my god you all are so stubborn ! Perfect friends !! " Yohan said as he tried to walk forward but I blocked his way with my hand and then he looked at me ... Eyes  shimmering a bit with tears he said " Jaehyun ...you know I won't hurt her right ?" The sincerity in his voice hit me in full force and I dropped my hand ... he walked near Lavender without any discomfort .. the pain could be seen in his eyes but that wasn't due to the surrounding ...it was due to Lavender ...
Seeing her in this condition

"Lavender stop being stubborn pleaseeeeee !!! I can help you ! You know that right still you are being like this !!!
I promise I won't touch you until you say yes but please let me help you !!! " Yuhan said as he sat a bit away from her on his knees almost begging her to let him help her and Lavender whimpering more at that ... This time not because of her pain but because of the pain reflected in Yuhan's eyes"  Jaebeom's dad said as everything played in his memories and his eyes expressed those moments

"Ohhhhh she was in.... heat" Jackson said slowly in understanding

"Yes ... We didn't knew but Yuhan did " Jaebeom's mom said as she walked to Jaebeom's dad and rubbed his back softly in comfort

"After that?" Jackson asked curiously

"Then we happened to witness something ... I could swear my heart stopped at that for a second ...
Yuhan continued begging And Lavender continued shaking her head in no but then those brimming tears fell from Yuhan's eyes and Lavender whimpered loudly in pain and then she nodded her head  ... And... Started turning paler .... Her eyes blew wide and blood red ... Her hairs grew longer ...almost to her knees ... And as she huffed , her canines ... No what you call those?" Jaebeom's dad asked in mid story

"Fangs"Jackson said with a small smile

"Yes her fangs grew longer ... Nails became taller and sharper ... And if that wasn't already too much for us Yuhan growled a bit from side and then he was a shadow which  turned into a big silver wolf  ... We both fell to the ground at the same time ... The fear and all thickness growing around us making us weak and we closed our eyes and hugged each other tightly ... Pretending that all this was dream ... Nothing like this is happening "

Writer's note :
Hellooo alll!
I guess I updated fast
I hope you all are doing great !

You all know right  you are always welcome to share anything here ! Feel free ... It neednot be about the story .. anything

Other then that
Hope you all liked the chapter !

And did you all watch Devil Judge !??
Oh I am in love
Jinyoung is love and will always be love and his acting skills are just beyond words
And kill Me heal Me is one of my most favourite dramas of all time
Ji sung was like splendid there !
And seeing both of them together is like ...
chef's kiss
Awesome !!¡!
If you haven't watched it yet
Goooo gooo gooo !
Watch it now
And as Jackson says
As you watch Jinyoung you don't have a choice you have to fall for him

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