A Vamp and a Wolf

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"Are you both planning to stay here for whole night ?" We heard ... We opened our eyes at that ... Sun was setting down and it was getting darker
And ofcourse no one was in the college except the 4 of us

"Yo- you are Yu han Right ?! " I asked him
The wolf chuckled
"Didn't I turn into a wolf in front of you !?? You still have doubts on that !?"

"Oh- ohh yeahh we were just confirming it " Jaebeom's mom said holding me tightly

"And is she- Lavender.. is that ... Is she a - "

"Whatt!? You didn't knew she was a vampire !? She used to use her powers in front of you both ..like all the time ! "

"Yeahh we know that... But we didn't knew she was a -"

"Vampire.... Hmmmm sooo now what, you don't want to be friends with her? " the wolf asked trying to be calm but his eyes said it all

"Whatt!!?!! No ! She is our best friend she'll be our best friend ! Human or not ! " Jaebeom's mom said

"Yes she is ! she will always be !! We -we would lend her our bloods for free if she asks for it! " To claim that we were true to her we were coming with absurd things and as I said Jaebeom's mom nodded enthusiastically

And then Lavender chuckled ... It was more of a whimper and it was filled with a pain but it was that smile of her which just lightens up the room, a little something always making everything beautiful and shine bright
" I love- love you bothhh soo muchh " she said in a bit pained voice but her love could be felt in the air surrounding us with  warmth

"I - I am sorry ... I didn't wanted to judge you both I too like you both a lot... It's just most of the people can't - won't even consider  a non-human as part of their society ... So accepting them as a friend -"

"We-we understand ... It's fine ... Lavender how are you feeling now ? Do you need anything .... If you don't mind us asking what happened ? Why are you like this ?" We both asked her as those dark thick air around started subsiding and we could move a bit further but as we got a bit closer the wolf - Yu han  glared at us and growled a bit

"Hey ! Would you stop that ! They are my friends ! they won't do anything to me " Lavender said in a small voice smacking the wolf a bit on his head and wolf whimpered at that and bended his head down ..as if he was sulking .. he was actually sulking
We were amused, shocked but right now we wanted to help Lavender so we left those questions - like how can you hit a wolf !??! for later  and  Jaebeom's mom sat next to her while I sat  a bit away because her scent was too sweet, it was making me a bit sick

"So what happened ?" Jaebeom's mom asked
"I am-"
"She is in her heat ... It's her first heat" the wolf said from side such that Lavender doesn't have to strain her self

"Heat?! "I and Jaebeom's mom asked together

"Oh my ... How much do I have to explain " the wolf grumbled and Lavender hit him again
At that we both snorted but kept it at bay

"So at the age of... In human years 21 and in vampire years 100 we mature into our sexual orientations ... Like you humans hit puberty ? Like that

But we didn't have this male and female sex orientation, yes we are male and female but that is secondary  the primary sexual orientation for us is alpha , beta , omega -"

"Like mangas?" Jaebeom's mom siad

"You read mangas !?" I asked but she just skipped that question ... Jaebeom's dad looked at Jaebeom's mom suspiciously and Jaebeom's mom chuckled a bit nervously at that

They are soo damn cute jackson thought but didn't bring his thoughts to light as they further continued with the story

"Every story of that has its own version of alpha beta omegas ... I'll let you all know our version " Yu han said with a chuckle
"Yo-you read manga ?" Lavender slowly asked Yu han and the wolf grinned at her showing his whole set of teeth wich was supposed to be cute I guess but it was damn scary

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