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"ok so I am a Vampire or vamp in short .. and yes I do drink blood and yes I can kill people -"

"Jack- jackson are you sure this is a civil conversation and you are not trying to terrify us ?" Jaebeom said interrupting jackson .. his voice cracking a bit but he completed his sentence

"I was trying ,but you both just laughed at me and -

"We are sorry " both Jaebeom and Jinyoung said together In the most sincere voice ever and Jackson ,who actually wanted to have some fun, flattened and kept both his hands on the table

"No no don't be sorry ... I am sorry I was just kidding ....hold my hand both of you ? " Jackson said with a small sincere smile
And even though both were scared of him ,had a bit of hesitations within themselves , held his hand

Jackson closed his eyes
And now he could read the thought running through their brain , they were scared ... Scared of something they didn't knew about , the fear of those red eyes but there wasn't a fear from Jackson himself ...they trusted him, the fear and shock was all over but the center of all that fear , jackson was just surrounded by trust

Jackson cut the link off fast and sent some energy from himself to sooth their minds and thoughts
Jackson opened his eyes and looked at both of them

"You are not scared of me ?"

"No" both replied together in a calm voice then looked at each other and gave a small smile to each other

"Why? "

"Because just a few minutes ago this vamp promised me to protect me from everything " Jaebeom said as he smiled at Jackson, holding his hand tighter

"Because this vamp smiled at me and became my first friend, whatever was his intentions... He talked to me sincerely , ....later when I said I felt uncomfortable ..he could have done anything to me. ...he had powers , but he just huffed and took me home... He could have been rude to me in college and could have used his powers to do me wrong but he chose to run away from embarrassment ... Because he looks at Jaebeom and yugyeom with the softest look in his eyes.....
I haven't known you for so long but your smile makes me feel warm ..aha that I - I meant ...makes all of us feel warm ... I am sure that can't be faked and no power can do that ... Because this vamp..... " Jinyoung said and then shuttered , blushed and looked down ... Unable to speak further

"Because this vamp is sweeter then many humans we have met .. right ?" Jaebeom completed as he looked towards Jinyoung who looked back at him and both smiled at each other and then looked at Jackson with that warm smile

"Yeah.. right " Jinyoung complete slowly from his side

And Jackson goes red at that

"I -that - .. since it came up again... I am sorry Jinyoung ... I am really sorry
.. you just had too much of good energy and I have been kind of not recieving it for some time now and - I like you -a - as a person ! And when we talked I really felt you were soo great to talk to and I thought I might have to pretend to be friendly but I didn't have to because you were a great company to be with !
I should have stopped there itself and shouldn't have taken it further ... We could have been good friends atleast and I ruined all that .. I am-" Jackson started to blabber fast and threw a small confession between his rant and blush started creeping all over his cheeks till the tip of his ears ... He sat there fiddling with his fingers like a kicked out puppy

'He is sooo damn cute ... Fuck -shit I cursed again -oh - ahh - I am sorry god ' Jinyoung thought and he just couldn't take this cuteness anymore so he cut him halfway

"It's fine Jackson... Its not ruined yet... We can be friends now too ... If you want ..." Jinyoung said and gave him a small smile

"YES! I mean yes I do " jackson whispered shouted but then schooled his expressions but his eyes were still shining with that excitement

Jaebeom cleared his throat
"Great! Now you both are friends ! And you won't be running here there and playing hide and seek all the time
Ok so from that story ... You mentioned good energy ? What's that ??
I knew there was something why you used to go with any random person because you are too much of a "my-one-and-only-one person" unlike what you show outside ....so this was the reason for that ? "

"Yess bingo! So there are types of energies humans radiate... good and bad are the major classifications ..
We feed on blood as I said earlier but that's not required in much amount just a few drops are more than enough because right now we are not feeding from our mates ...but the energy the person radiates actually helps us in replenishing our powers and with our other requirements and our energy consumptions don't effect the individual ... So clear till here ? Any doubts ?"

"Yes I have a doubt " Jaebeom said

" I was quite clear with whatever I said ! Why is it so hard for you to understand ...what is it ?!! " jackson huffed in frustration a bit and asked

"You are here to tell us the story and clear our doubt so shut up and ans...
Yeah so my question is...do I have good energy ? " Jaebeom asked curiously

"Noooooo" jackson said making an wasn't-that-obvious face
And Jaebeom's face fell at that
Which made Jackson chuckle

"I was kidding ...Yess ! In plenty ! " Jackson said

"Then why didn't you ask me for energy I could have given you " Jaebeom said

"What the fuck! why would you!??? noo I won't take it from you !" Jackson said with wide eyes as he shook his head


"Because you have to ... Sleep with that someone from whom you want to take energy from "

"We can sleep together "

"No!!! " Jinyoung and jackson shouted together as they both turned a bit red and Jaebeom looked back and forth at both of them ,when slowly he was hit by the realisation

"What the fuckkkk!!! Nooo I won't! oh myy god!!! " Jaebeom almost jumped from his seat

"Yeah that's what I said... so now that you understood should we move on ?" Jackson huffed

"I too have a question "

"Yes yes.. feel free to ask !what is it ?" Jackson asked sweetly

"Oh my god.. this difference in behaviour !! " Jaebeom said with wide eyes

"Oh stop it you drama queen.. he is smart not a dumbass like you ! He would have geniuiune questions .. yes Jinyoung tell me " jackson said as he pushed Jaebeom face away and looked at Jinyoung

Jinyoung chuckled a bit and continued
"Yes soo ... You said You don't feed on much blood since they are not your mate ..what's mate ?"

"Ok so -yeah I was coming at that... nice question Jinyoung !
So mates are .. like what you humans call it ... Yeah soulmates! We supernatural beings have a second half already decided from our birth ... That's our mate "

"That's..... Not right.... everyone should have the right to choose who they want to be with " Jinyoung said with a small frown
And Jackson's heart started this tingling thing that Jackson had to close his eyes and take deep breaths to calm it down
As he opened his eyes he saw Jinyoung looking at him ,waiting for his reply
He cleared his throat at the sudden eye contact and looked a bit away

"True ...but you won't believe ...your mate will be someone You want to with !" Jackson said with a sweet smile as he looked back at him and Jinyoung looked ... Confused ? Contemplating ?

"Soo can a vampire's mate be ...some .. human may be ?!!" Jinyoung asked hesitatingly

"It's rare... Super rare ... But it can happen.. Mostly it's in the same breed...
Once in a blue moon these cross breed things happen or it happens to miracles .... Like Jaebeom " Jackson started and then thought this is the right time and he threw the bomb

"Me ?!! Miracle !??"

"Yes... A miracle"

Writer's note :
Yeahh faster update!!!
But actually there's nothing new... it's all old stories ...
I didn't even read older chapters recently ...I don't know I have written the scenarios right or not ...
Hope they are right

Hope you all like the story

Hoping you all are having great day 💚

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