Our kid

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"Then lavender took a leave for 2-3 days and then came back looking much better ... We both decided to discuss it all together at break so we all went to the roof top with our lunchs and sat there together

I asked her " Lavender tell me truthfully ... Do you like Yu han ? "

"I -no - I don't know -"

"Lavender tell us honestly do you like him or not ??...Stop lying to us and yourself !" I said sternly and she pouts at that but when I  still kept my stand and didn't show any reactions to her pout, she sighed ... No one actually would have believed us if we told them Lavender pouts and her pout can melt anything..  it was rare to see such things on her but with us it was almost a daily thing now so we were able to keep our grounds at times

Jaebeom's dad chuckled a bit at the memory and continued

"Y-yes I do like him....what is there to not like about him ? Tall, cat-eyes , wide shoulders, sharp on outside but too sweet within -"

"Oh ohhh that's nice to hear actually! what else ? I guess you are too gone for me but then that make me think that why were you being such a heartless vamp till now my love !?"

All three of us flinched and looked at the voice behind us near the door of the roof
Lavender's cheek heated up all the way to her big ears as she glared at Yu han who smiled at her cheekily

"I - that was not - why are you here !??" Lavender got flustered and  stood up flaying her hands here there

I and Jaebeom's mom looked at each other and decided that we should give them some privacy to sort it all out so we stop those flaying hands and whisper in Lavender's ear "Lavender you like him, you have to face it, so talk it out and do that what mate and all and-"

"Shut up oh my god why did he had to say that word to you !?! Please explain him what mating is so he doesn't say it in between every sentence !" Lavender said now her cheeks almost burning up with the red flush and Jaebeom's mom was turning a tomato too as she pulled me away towards the roof door pushing me towards the stairs almost harshly and closed the door behind her

Jackson was trying hard but he couldn't keep it in any more so he bursted out in fits of laughters at which both blushed and smiled at the sweet innocent memories
Then Jaebeom's dad coughed a bit clearing his throat and continued

And the rest was history
4 of us went on many dates together...
With Yu han, she looked so much at peace,  there love bloomed like a blossom tree with never ending beautiful blossoms
Our college ended but we still lived and worked  near by. ...
All happy , cheerful ...enjoying every day to fullest

But we didn't knew the dread waiting for them

We are not sure from which side but one of the sides on hearing the story went feral and decided to kill them both
Lavender was pregnant at the moment so they couldn't move much and powers can't be used as it'll harm the living thing growing inside
So we hid her in our basement and and made her a glass room around which we kept some kerosene bottles in order to hide her smell from the other super naturals as her pregnancy also brings heightened smell and other things
And finally she gave birth to t-ahem- him . The sweet lovely cat eyes, fluttering , yawning , Stretching his small fingers as if trying to catch the clouds in sky
We all were so overwhelmed, so happy ,eyes burning with those happy tears but when she looked at us we smiled ...wide really very wide ...
She did so good
Yu han sat there, crying hard... the baby had stopped crying seeing him cry so hard and hugged Lavender from side

Then we asked her to rest and Yu han to take care of her while we bring some medicines and other essentials from nearby ...
We left the house ....

and they found them

When we came back we could hear loud crys of the baby but no one else could be heard, seen 

We ran to the baby and there lied a letter
She was writing this few months ago sitting on the couch near the window looking outside in between and then back to the letter  ... I remembered ....

I love and trust you both with my whole life .
After accepting Yu han, I was ready to fight it all ! You both are my strengths! I always thought I'll protect you both but it always been happening the other way around . I don't know what I would have done If I didn't met you both
But now since I am pregnant the story is different .. I can't fight them!
How can they think of killing their own breed just because we are with someone else
But you both understand it
I can't write this it hurts but I have to

I don't know- I wish I don't have to... but if someday you find this letter
Take care of my baby
Give him your last name
I don't want to burden you
But you know what choices I have

Love you both a lot
Love you my baby ....grow well
Uri Jaebeom-ie

And with that the letter ended "

Jackson didn't knew when tears started rolling down but his cheeks were damp by the end
And both Jaebeom's dad and mom eyes were filled with tears
Even after years the pain was still felt strong by them

Jackson slowly asked "you both didn't have your own ....?"

Jaebeom's mom and dad looked a bit confused but then they understood and smiled softly at each other

"We thought may be we'll not love Jaebeom enough if we had a kid who we could call ours so we decided Jaebeom will be our kid and no one else to call ours and hurt Jaebeom in any way possible "

Oh jackson's heart sank at that. 
No wonder Jaebeom will never show it  but if situation arises , he'll jump in fire for you without you even asking for it... They did so well and so he went and hugged them tight and patted their backs because it has to be appreciated ...no words are enough for this so he promised himself that he'll protect Jaebeom he'll not let anything bad happen to their precious son who they grew whole heartedly with all love and kindness in the world

He moves back with full teary eyes and snot when he hears a soft sleepy voice coming from behind
"What's ha- happening? Jackson ?! What happened ?" Jaebeom says as he yawns loudly and walks towards the couch

Jackson rubs away the snot and tears into the sleeve of his shirt and clears his throat a bit to not sound like-well he was crying and choking up at his memories

Jackson smiles at him as he sits by his side and asks for a cup of tea from his mom and leans his head a bit on back of the couch

"You fainted so I brought you home"
Jackson said

"I??? Why- ohh ....Jack- Jackson ... I guess we should go " Jaebeom's sleepy face was suddenly too alert

"Go where?!???" Jackson asked with raised eyebrows

"College dumbass- ouchh dad!" Jaebeom said as he looked at Jackson if he is some idiot but was interrupted by an ungracious forehead flick by his dad

"Language kid " Jaebeom's dad said as he moved back his hand to his place

"We have that class!" Jaebeom said as he pulled jackson from his seated position on the couch

"Which ?!" Jackson asked in confusion

"Oh come on fast !!" Jaebeom said in a frustrated huff as he pulled him towards the door

"Ok ok"

"Bye mom dad "

"Bye uncle aunty "

"Jaebeom ! Your tea !" But the main  door closed with a slam as the kids flied away 


Writer's note:

More to come
Stay tuned !

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