Are you at home?

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A/N Again the disclaimer. I do not know personally anyone mentioned. This is purely a fiction exercise. Also because English is not my native language you may have to excuse some mistakes I may write. That being said I hope you enjoy it. :)

After leaving Grant's place you head to your house so can change clothes. You fear you're gonna find Nate there but to your relief he isn't home, so you'll just have to worry about talking to him later.

After a warm and relaxing bath and with Grant always on your mind, you're now going to meet you brother for lunch.

"Hey, kid, how are you?" You greet him smiling.

"Hey you, sis. What's with that big smile?" He asks giggling.

"Oh fool. Shouldn't I be smiling?"

"I don't know... New boyfriend?" He chuckles.

You blush. "Stop. There's no boyfriend at all. How are mom and dad?"

He shrugs. "The usual. They were bugging me to ask you about the boyfriend."

"Oh dear. Can't a girl be single? Jeez."

"Yeah, I know. I think they are afraid you turn lesbian or something, you know, because you live with Nate, who is gay. I don't know, sometimes mom and dad are just weird." Your brother laughs.

"Oh yeah, weird indeed. By the way, speaking of mom and dad, I can't have the usual Sunday lunch tomorrow with them. Some work thing came up..."

"Oh, right... So how's the first week after the big promotion, uh?"

"Oh, it's almost over... It's been... interesting..." You try hard to hide a smile.

"Interesting? Right. Who's your client again?"

"Grant Gustin."

"Grant Gustin? Sebastian? Why didn't you tell me?"

You shrug. "Should I have?"

"Yeah! He's brilliant."

"Right." You remember your brother watches Glee and you also remember he's been having some problems at school because of some bullies. "By the way, how's school?"

His smiles fades. "Oh, you know, same old stuff."

"Are they still bothering you?"


"What does that mean, Matt?"

"You know already, it's the same moron dickheads. They call me gay, harass me... same usual shit."

"Because you're in the cheerleading team? Jeez, unbelievable. I don't even know how there are still people with your age with retarded minds like those in 2012."

"Yeah, I know. I don't really care, to be honest."

"You could talk to Grant, he had similar problems just because he sang and danced when he was your age..." You immediately shut up. Why are you bringing Grant to the conversation? It's like you can't stop thinking about him.

"I know, I would love to meet him, I'm sure we could spend hours talking about sports." Matt giggles. "So, tell me, what's he like? Is he nice as he appears to be?"

"Yeah, he is." You shrug, not wanting to talk about Grant with your brother.

"So much enthusiasm!" Your brother jokes.

"Well, he's work."

"Yeah, but you're now doing the work you dreamed of, shouldn't you be a little more excited? I mean, sure, it's not like he's a major A-list actor but you have to start from somewhere, right?"

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