Is he your boyfriend?

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A/N Again the disclaimer. I do not know personally anyone mentioned. This is purely a fiction exercise. Also because English is not my native language you may have to excuse some mistakes I may write. That being said I hope you enjoy it. :)

Grant has finally left for Norfolk, on the other side of the country to spend Christmas with his family.

You're missing him like crazy and the best way you have to deal with it is to turn to his cute dog Jett. You're looking after him while Grant's away and he reminds you of Grant.

You speak with Grant every day, of course, by phone or skype at night. He gets to see you and Jett, and you get to see him. During the day you are also always sending texts to each other.

On the afternoon of Christmas Eve you're at home just chilling, watching a movie, before you go to your parents' to have dinner, spend the night and then Christmas day.

You're all cozy under a blanket in the couch snuggling with Jett when Nate arrives home.

He giggles when he sees you. "Hahah! Amazing. You do realize Jett is not Grant, right? Take it easy on the pup."

"Oh, shut up." You chuckle throwing him a pillow. "It's cold. We're just keeping each other warm. Right, cute puppy?" You pet Jett's head and he enjoys it very much.

"Seriously, how do you handle it? This secret thing..."

"I don't know... It's just the way it has to be. For now." You shrug.

Nate sits on the couch next to you. "That last time Grant was here with you... It was just... Let me ask you this, are you two actually dating? I mean, of course I know you're seeing each other and it has to be secret but is it really serious? As in an actual relationship?"

You shrug again. "I guess. It's obviously a weird, twisted relationship... I don't know... We've been seeing each other for three weeks in these circumstances, it's hard to tell, we haven't exactly put a label on it."

"Well, from what I've seen and heard that night... You two are completely head over heels for each other. Come on, you know you can be honest with me, what are your feelings for him?"

You roll your eyes. "What do you think? I'm putting my job at risk to be with Grant. I can't stay away from him. And the more I know him the more I like him. He's just so..." You sigh.

Nate looks at you sympathetically. "Oh fuck. You love him, don't you?"

You shrug again. "I know I never felt like this before. I know I'm always thinking about him. I know I care about him, I know I'm happy when he's happy, I know I'm doing things for him I never thought I'd do for anyone, so..."

"You love him. Oh, sweetie, come here." Nate pulls into his arms and hugs you tight. "I really hope you two can sort this all out and be together the way you deserve."

"I know. I hope so too. I don't know, so far I have no complaints at all about Grant but sometimes I fear he doesn't want to fully commit... I can't blame him, it's not like we can have a normal relationship. But I think the main reason is because he was betrayed by his ex. He loved her and she cheated on him, I think he's afraid it happens again."

"Oh, but he's so smitten about you and he has no problems in saying it. You're just over-analyzing things. Maybe he just needs to know you better and he'll realize you are incapable of cheating or hurting anyone. Especially someone you love."

"Yeah, in time. Thank you, my dear. Thank you for your help with this and for being my best friend since... I don't even know, we were like six when we met?" You giggle.

"Yeah. That long. And you don't need to thank me. I'm glad I can help."

"You're sweet. And you know what? Grant told me that a couple of his and Doug's friends that are also going to the New Year's Eve party aka my birthday party are gay... Maybe you'll meet someone you like...?" You wink at Nate.

"Hahah!" He laughs. "Funny. We'll see then. But there's no need for you two to play the cupid, ok? That would just be weird."

"Ok, I promise I won't interfere."

"Right. So, I'm leaving now for the family reunion... Is there anything you need?"

"No, thank you. I'm also going to my parents' in about an hour or so..."

"Ok, take care. I'll call you but in the meantime Merry Christmas!" Nate hugs you again and kisses your cheek.

"Merry Christmas to you too and your family. Tell your parents I say hi and give them a kiss for me."

"I will. We'll see each other tomorrow night, sweetie. By the way, are you taking Jett to your parents' house?" Nate asks amused.

You nod. "Sure, I'm not gonna leave Jett here alone all by himself on Christmas Eve. Poor pup. He's going with me."

Nate giggles and finally leaves.

A couple of hours later you are at your parents' house.

"Oh my god, is that... Jett?" Your brother asks excited. He is after all almost a fan of Grant.

You chuckle. "Yes, himself. Look at him... So cute."

Your father jokes. "Do you have a dog now? We were here hoping we'd meet your boyfriend and you bring a dog."

Your mother pulls Jett to her arms. "Oh, adorable puppy! Come to mommy. How long do you have him?" She asks smiling.

"It's not mine, mom, it's a friend's pet. I'm taking care of him while my friend is visiting his family for Christmas in Virginia."

Your brother giggles. "A friend? Grant is now a friend? And you have his dog while he's away?"

Your father raises an eyebrow. "Grant? Who's Grant? Ah! I knew there was a boy in this story. Is he your boyfriend?" He asks eagerly.

"No, Grant is my client." You roll your eyes.

"Oh, the said actor... And do you have to take care of his dog too? Is that part of your job as his publicist? Of course not, he's just getting advantage, right? Damn these celebrities, always treating everyone like they are their slaves..." You father whines. He's an agent for some well-known actors and actresses and he's always talking about the diva attitude of some of them.

"Oh honey, it's Christmas, stop thinking about work and stop whining, ok?" Your mother kisses his cheek and shows him Jett. "Just look at this cute little thing. Isn't he adorable?"

Your father smirks. "That's not even a proper dog for a man! Don't tell me this Grant is also gay... You're surrounded by gay guys, how do you expect to find a boyfriend?!"

You burst into laughter. "Oh dad! What's this obsession of getting me a boyfriend, I'm good as it is."

"You're turning twenty-three next week, you finished college over a year and a half ago, you never had a serious boyfriend, at least we never met one. It's about time, no? Or do you wanna spend the rest of your life living with your gay friend Nate?! Maybe you two will adopt some poor kid from Africa or something, since he can't obviously impregnate you..."

"Dad!" You giggle, shaking your head and rolling your eyes. You are already used to your father's grumpiness and crazy ideas. Your brother laughs like crazy and your mother has apparently fallen in love with Jett since she's not even paying attention to what your father is saying. She's just talking to Jett like he's a person.

Yeah, just another crazy Christmas with your crazy family.

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