You love her? Really?

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A/N Again the disclaimer. I do not know personally anyone mentioned. This is purely a fiction exercise. Also because English is not my native language you may have to excuse some mistakes I may write. That being said I hope you enjoy it. :)

Your parents showed up at your place unannounced and the meeting with Grant was a little awkward to say the least.

Your mother recognized him and she knew immediately what was going on, she figured you and Grant were probably hooking up.

You father, on the other hand, was being in denial at first, even though Grant presented himself with clothes that clearly said that he had just got out of bed. Your father first thought that Grant was Nate's boyfriend but when he realized that he was actually staying with you he just freaked and said he was 'going to kill him'.

Your mother laughs at his words. "Silly, don't say nonsense. You don't even know the boy. Seriously, you couldn't stop talking during Christmas on how she should get a boyfriend, even get married and have kids..." She laughs again. "Now that she apparently has a boyfriend you are pissed. Why?"

"I meant a decent boyfriend. Someone I would meet and approve before he starts to spend nights at her house and showing up at the door in his underwear!"

You mother bursts into laughter. "Oh god, I love you. You're so funny. Seriously, my dear, don't you think she's the one who has to approve him first? Besides, she's an adult. You've always wanted her to be independent, to grow up and all that, but every time something like this happens you treat her like she's just a child. Remember when she went to college and wanted to move out of our house? You didn't want to because her college was right here in LA, so she could keep living with us." She rolls her eyes.

"Ok, maybe I do that, but this is immorality. And about this boy... Grant... He's an actor... You and I know better than anyone how actors are...Short term relationships, always changing partners... AND, they work together, for Christ's sake! He's her client... They probably even have that clause in the contract that forbids any kind of relationship between them... I swear if he causes any problem to our daughter... I kill him, I do."

"Nah, you're not killing anyone. Relax. Sit down on the couch, I'm gonna see if I can find some tea in the kitchen for you."

"Bah, tea. I don't need tea." Your father says annoyed.

Meanwhile Grant has gone upstairs to call you. He doesn't find you in the bedroom and he hears the water running inside the bathroom.

"Babe?" He walks in.

"Yeah?" For a moment you think he probably decided to join you in the shower. Dirty thoughts start to fill your mind. You turn off the water and you peek through the curtain. You then see Grant's flushed and almost scared face. "Anything happened?" You ask worried.

Grant takes a deep breath. "The door... It was not Nate. It's your parents."

"WHAT?" You say in shock. "My parents?! My parents are here? Oh dear. Hang on." You turn on the tap again to remove the rest of the soap from your body and you quickly put on your bathrobe. "What are they doing here?"

"They said they wanted to wish you happy New Year and happy birthday because they didn't get to see you yesterday... I thought it was Nate so I opened the door without checking before who it was... Sorry."

"It's, ok, it's not your fault... I was supposed to meet them today for dinner but I guess they wanted to make a surprise..." You look at Grant from head to toe. "And they saw you like that... What did they say?"

"Your father is not very happy, he thinks I'm Nate's boyfriend or something but he's definitely not happy. Your mother is all nice, almost like she knows about us..."

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