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Once Danielle had finished printing some stuff and Stefania gave the papers she needed to Mr Smith, they slumped down onto her office couch gripping each-other tightly. Stefania let out a sigh of contentment, "I've missed this, I love you Bambina" Stefania whispered in the blonde's left ear. Danielle gave her a nod and smiled. "I love you too" Before Stefania heard Danielle she drifted off to sleep. An hour or so later Danielle decided to wake her up and get them both home, She quietly tip-toed back into the office and gently shook Stefania's shoulder trying to wake her up.  "Mathew Mathew PLEASE NO DONT!" Stefania screamed still sleeping. "Baby!" Danielle cried out, immediately rushing closer to her girlfriend's aid. "W-What happened Bambina?" Stefania asked, still groggy from just waking up. "You had a nightmare, you were saying Mathew Who's that?" Danielle asked clearly confused. "Oh that's my brother" Stefania explained. Danielle decided to not say how she was screaming his name as if he was in danger as she was already shocked from the sudden comfort.

(I know this chapter wasn't very long sorry lol I'm running out of ideas so put some in the comments that you might wanna see, open to anything really but yeah also THANKS FOR 1.3K BTW so happy- love idektbhhelpme🦥)

Stefania Spampinato and Danielle SavreWhere stories live. Discover now