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The Doctors in charge of Mathew's case took him up to the OR, Meanwhile Danielle and Stefania stood impatiently in the waiting room. Stefania paced back and forth, Danielle spoke a few times to her but Stefania was too busy worrying that she didn't hear much of it. She finally sat back down, "Baby do you want me to get you something from the vending machine, Some Fanta or a Mars Bar?" Stefania shook her head at the blonde and her eyes filled with tears again. Danielle slowly walked down the hall to the machine and got herself some snacks. Danielle quickly ran back to the waiting room with a sandwich and a can of coke, She sat down next to her girlfriend but Stefania got up almost avoiding her. Soon a Doctor walked over to them, "He's stable for now, We will be watching him for the next few days but he should be okay. He had minor blood loss and good sats! This is a very good outcome for this type of injury, you can go see him in a few minutes" The doctor explained, Danielle smiled at Stefania who wasn't really listening.

Stefania Spampinato and Danielle SavreWhere stories live. Discover now